
  • 网络role structure
  1. 结合海军舰艇仿真方面的应用,文章最后提出了一个符合HLA接口规范的ACGF角色结构模型。

    Combining with application of naval fleet tactics simulation , a HLA-based ACGF role structure model is also introduced in the paper .

  2. 文中提出的授权管理模型在授权主客体的安全级别、角色结构及授权继承性、权限类别及授权约束机制等方面对RBAC进行了扩充,使之更完善。

    The authorized management model expands and improves RBAC in the following aspects : security level of authorization subject and object , role structure and authorization inheritance , authority categories , authorization and restraint .

  3. 基于角色结构工作流视图的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Workflow-Views Based on Structured-Roles

  4. 包、部件和角色结构由虚拟应用程序模式框架定义。

    The package , part , and role structure are defined by the virtual application pattern framework .

  5. 如果有些团队成员在获得这些技能方面有困难,就有必要延长主持人的涉入或重新调整团队角色结构。

    If some team members have difficulty acquiring the skills , it will be necessary to prolong the facilitator 's involvement or restructure team roles .

  6. 同时,要重塑中介机构主导、企业积极配合、政府适时指导的角色结构,提高企业效绩评价的效率和效果。

    In the meantime , we should reshape the role structure whereby intermediaries play the leading part , firms cooperate positively and government provides timely guidance , and raise the efficiency and effect of performance evaluation .

  7. 企业组织是为了实现企业的总体目标,基于业务流程和信息流,通过分工与协作,使承担一定权责角色结构的人整合起来的有机集合体。

    Enterprise organization is the organic aggregate for achieving its overall goal , in which were integrated by the posts which bear the certain responsibilities and rights through the division and cooperation based on its business processes and information flow .

  8. 重点研究了角色结构的变化对系统安全性的影响,为了解决这类问题,本文设计一种算法将这个问题转化为模型检测的方法,并通过现有的模型检测软件自动的解决这个问题。

    We mainly concern the security analysis problem when role hierarchy changes . In order to solve this problem , an algorithm of converting this problem to a model checking formalism is designed , by using any model checking tool , this problem can be solved effectively .

  9. 有关srr角色与结构的决议将会影响美国金融体系在未来数十年内的竞争力。

    Decisions about the role and structure of the SRR will affect the competitiveness of the US financial system for decades .

  10. 多智能体的角色与结构设计分析

    Analysis of Multi - Agent Role and Structure Design

  11. 动态角色体系结构与算法研究

    Study on Architecture of Dynamic Actor and Algorithm

  12. 高校系秘书角色能力结构初探

    An Analysis on the Ability Structure of the Role as A College Department Secretary

  13. 一个基于角色组织结构的过程视图管理方法

    A Management Method of Process-views Based on Structured-roles

  14. 哪些新组织角色和结构可促进服务标识、设计和共享?

    What new organizational roles and structures facilitate service identification , design , and sharing ?

  15. 首先从研究智能角色体系结构开始,给出了一种基于黑板的智能角色体系结构。

    First , we research the architecture of intelligent characters , and proposed a architecture which based on the blackboard .

  16. 其中需求分析建模建立了系统的用例图并且分析了系统中的各个角色;结构建模分析了系统的静态模型和动态模型。

    Requirement modeling establishes a systematic Use Case Diagram , and analyses each role in the system . Structural modeling analyses the systematic static model and dynamic model .

  17. 将电子商务下的分销管理看成为一个具有一定目标,包含小组、角色和结构等概念的组织。

    In this paper , the distribution management in electronic business is regarded as an organization which pos ˉ sesses of definite destination and contains some concepts such as group , role and structure .

  18. 采用子策略的方式,对不同范畴采用不同的子策略来描述,其中涉及角色层次结构,目标资源的访问,动态和静态职责分离,域间角色映射策略等多个方面。

    The policy is composed of several sub-policies , every sub-policy has its own effects , including role hierarchies , static and dynamic separation of duties , the access to target resources and the role mapping between domains .

  19. 组织模型反映含人员、组织、组和角色的组织结构,业务模型描述车间MES工作过程并记录过程活动的功能配置信息。

    The organize model contains information about employee , department , group and role , and the MES manufacturing process of shop floor was described by the business model and the information of function configuration for activity was recorded with it .

  20. 结构试验在结构工程与地震工程研究领域,均占有相当重要的角色,在结构抗震性能的研究方面表现得尤为突出。

    Structural experiment plays a very important role on structural engineering and earthquake engineering , especially on the research of earthquake-resistant performance .

  21. 本研究探讨了美国、加拿大等国远程教育专业人员的角色及能力结构。

    The purpose of this study was to identify the roles and competencies of distance education professionals within the United States and Canada .

  22. 序列用于定义对象的次序,比如机构中人员角色的层次结构。

    Sequences support a defined sequence for an object , such as the hierarchy of a person 's role within in an organization .

  23. 与传统区域地理学相比,新区域地理学倾向于结构主义、现实主义和后现代主义的哲学思维。强调区域的个性,强调人的能力及角色与社会结构在区域特性的形成与发展的作用。

    Compared with traditional regional geography , the thought of new regional geography lies in its use of structuralism , realism and post modernism .

  24. 在考察妇女问题时,不应将妇女孤立地来看待,而应放在男女两性特定的社会角色和权力结构中来分析。

    When inspecting women 's problem , we shouldn 't treat it alone , but put it in specific social roles and power construction .

  25. 演说的一致性角色扮演演说结构进阶声音的运用说故事技巧录像回顾个人指导工作坊如何切合您的需要?

    Developing Congruence Acting Your Character Advanced Presentation Structure Engaging the Audience Voice Management Video Feedback One-on-One Coaching How is the workshop customised to your needs ?

  26. 家长角色是社会结构中最基本的角色之一,对社会、家庭和子女都产生着重要影响。

    The role of the parents , which affects parents , children and society greatly , is one of the most essential one in the social structure .

  27. 另一个方面的研究是探求行政系统应(是)如何调整自己的角色和能力结构,积极促进经济进步和社会发展。

    The other is to probe how administration system changes or should change the role and capability structure of itself to promote economic progress and social development actively .

  28. 第四章为歌剧《魔笛》中花腔女高音经典唱段的分析,同样从人物角色、音乐结构及演唱技巧等方面对两首歌剧中的花腔女高音经典唱段进行分析。

    Second , three aspects of the two classical coloratura soprano arias in the Operas , i.e. the characters , musical structure and of singing skills will be analyzed .

  29. 为了突破动画角色的骨架结构限制,合成更加丰富多样的运动数据,提出一种面向异构骨架的角色运动融合方法。

    In order to break through the limitation of skeleton structure of characters and synthesize diverse motion data , a new motion blending method oriented to heterogeneous skeletons is proposed .

  30. 由于历史的渊源,戏曲一方面继承或吸收了赋的诸多因素,在戏曲角色、戏曲结构、戏曲唱念等方面深受其影响。

    As a result of the historical origin , the Ancient Operas inherited or absorbed many factors from Fu , such as its structure , sang style and so on .