
  1. 本文提出解线性规划问题的一种方法,主要是对约束Ax=b求初始基可行解时,不必引入人工变量而可直接用旋转运算获得,之后就完全和单纯形法一样求最优解。

    This paper presents a kind of semi-simplex method for finding solution to linear programming and explains some questions of theory in the method .

  2. 解线性规划改进的Bartels-Golub算法

    On the improved bartels-golub method for linear programming

  3. 单纯形法和Karmarkar算法及其变形算法是解线性规划问题的三个不同算法,本文从实例出发,对三种算法进行了比较和分析。

    There are three different methods to solve linear programming problems : simplical method , Karmarkar and the transmutative algorithm . The paper makes comparison and analysis through examples .

  4. 大型结构优化设计中不必求导数且不必解线性规划的可行方向法

    The feasible direction method for the optimum design of large-scale structure

  5. 解线性规划问题的一种半单纯形法

    A semi-simplex method for finding solution to linear programming problems

  6. 原始&对偶单纯形算法是解线性规划问题的一种有效算法。

    The primal-dual Simplex algorithm is an effective method for linear programming .

  7. 给出了一个解线性规划的有效集方法。

    An active set method for linear programming is given .

  8. 用类部分主元法解线性规划问题

    The Method for Solving the Linear Programming Problem by the Similar Partial Pivot

  9. 一个改进的解线性规划问题的熵函数法

    A Modified Entropy Function Method Solving Linear Programming Problem

  10. 用最大增量法解线性规划问题

    Solving Linear Programming Problems by Maximum Increment Method

  11. 解线性规划问题的一个新方法

    A New Algorithm for Salving Linear Programming Problems

  12. 解线性规划加阶算法

    An order - adding method for linear programming

  13. 熵障碍对偶法是继内点法之后,又一解线性规划问题的新的算法。

    After interior-point methods , the dual entropic barrier method is another new algorithm .

  14. 解线性规划的有效域方法

    Effective Domain Approach to Linear Programming

  15. 解线性规划问题的梯度投影法

    Gradient projection method for linear programming

  16. 解线性规划问题除常见的单纯形法和对偶单纯形法外,还有一种原始对偶法。

    Commonly in additional to simplex method and dual simplex method , another original dual method can solve the liner programming .

  17. 在用对偶单纯形法解线性规划问题时,必须找到初始正则解。

    To solve a linear programming with the dual simplex algorithm , it is necessary to find a primal regular solution .

  18. 本文借助单纯形法解线性规划问题的原理,推导出了冷拔(轧)无缝钢管车间生产能力的计算方法。

    The production capacity of a steel tube cold drawing ( rolling ) workshop is calculated with the help of solving linear regular problems using the simplicial method .

  19. 为了进一步完善解线性规划问题的单纯形法,本文给出了表达一类具有无穷多个最优解的线性规划问题通解的方法。

    To improve the method of solving linear programming problem by means of simplex method , this paper gives the method of linear programming problem general solution with infinite optimal solutions .

  20. 针对每一分层,用贪心的方法,即通过解线性规划,使得该层对应的各会晤中尽量多的接收节点能够接收到该分层数据。

    For each layer , with the greedy approach , i.e. , by solving a series of linear programming , the algorithm makes as many receivers of the corresponding sessions of the layer receive the data of the layer as possible .

  21. 利用Excel工具箱中的规划求解虽然可以解一些线性规划问题,但是直接求解在Excel工作表上表达的步骤较多,求解过程繁琐。

    With numerous operational procedures , linear programming solver in Excel toolbox is a complicated solution .

  22. 解0-1线性规划Surrogate对偶的一个方法

    A method for solving surrogate dual in zero-one linear programming

  23. 为方便计算,将求取最优解的线性规划问题转化为一个关于有界变量的BVLP(有界变量线性规划)问题。

    The linear programming problem for optimal solution can also be converted to a BVLP ( bounded variables linear programming ) problem for the simplicity of computation .

  24. 行极小法解一般线性规划问题

    Solving the general linear programming problem by row minimization method

  25. 解大规模线性规划问题的某些技巧

    Some techniques for solving large scale linear programming problems

  26. 本文提出了一个解一般线性规划问题的神经网络,并在理论上予以了严格证明。

    A new neural network for general linear programming and its theroy are proposed .

  27. 给出线性分式规划问题的对偶规划与对偶定理,由此得到一个解线性分式规划的方法。

    The Dual Programming and Dual Theorem is discussed and a new algorithm is given .

  28. 利用约束满意度解模糊线性规划问题的方法的改进

    Improvement on the Method for Solving Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems through the Satisfaction of Constraints

  29. 解一般线性规划逆问题的一个O(n~3L)算法

    An O ( N ~ 3L ) Algorithm for Solving the Inverse General Linear Programming Problem

  30. 解一般线性规划问题的神经网络

    Neural Network for General Linear Programming