
  • 网络Engagement Ring
  1. 菲舍尔可是非常宝贝她的订婚钻戒&从来不戴着它工作,怕拍戏间隙中有人会把它偷走。

    Fischer revealed that she doesn 't wear her multi-faceted diamond engagement ring to work & for fear that it 'll get stolen from her trailer .

  2. 里奥告诉一位密友,他的母亲已经和他挑选好了订婚钻戒。

    Leo has told his closest friend that his mother has been helping him pick out an engagement ring for Bar .

  3. 那你就把这个戒指戴上,伯德伍德从衣兜里摸出一个订婚钻戒,举在她的面前。

    ' Then wear this ring for me . ' Boldwood took from his pocket a diamond engagement ring , and held it out to her .

  4. 但是,后来我到开普顿一家珠宝店,从项炼上的金十字架坠子到订婚钻戒,都仔细赏过,于是我更难想像,我们智人会有别的行为模式。

    But later , perusing a Cape Town jeweler 's offerings-from cross pendants cast in gold to diamond engagement rings-it is harder still to conceive of Homo sapiens behaving any other way .

  5. 为了品尝一杯时髦咖啡,中国人习惯支付的价格已经和西方人相差无几。除此而外,中国人正渐渐接受在订婚时使用钻戒的习俗。

    In addition to getting used to paying near-western prices for fancy coffee , the Chinese are still only just getting into diamond engagement rings .