
rànɡ lì
  • cut profit in favour of the customers
  1. 我们销售所有的商品都让利50美元。

    We offer a discount on all goods over $ 50 .

  2. 当前乳品促销已经从中低端产品延伸到高端产品,促销的周期较长,间隔较短,产品类型多样,让利幅度在10%-50%之间。

    Currently dairy promotions were extended from low-end products to high-end products . Promotion cycle was long and the interval was short . Types of promotional products were a wide variety . The discount rate ranged between 10 % ~ 50 % .

  3. 英国的Asda是沃尔玛连锁公司(Wal-MartStoresInc.)旗下的企业,其出售圣诞节相关商品的减价让利幅度达到3亿美元。

    Britain 's Asda , a unit of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. , cut around $ 300 million in prices on Christmas-related items .

  4. 这种让利,比如通过减免关税,通过早期收获实现。

    The benefit can be achieved through tariff concessions and early harvest .

  5. 最大减少轴承的重量为客户让利。

    The greatest reduction in weight bearing let customers .

  6. 追求优良品质的同时,努力以最好的价格让利客户。

    Good quality and good price made us to be a good supplier for our customers .

  7. 这些国家还通过提供让利措施,鼓励企业将研发岗位移至亚洲。

    Incentives are also being offered to move research and development jobs to Asia as well .

  8. 在让利争权的宗旨下,光绪三十三年十二月(1908年1月)订立正合同。

    None other in the struggle for power purposes , the January 1908 contract was entered into .

  9. 经营宗旨:货真价实、笃守信誉,让利顾客,薄利多销。

    Business purposes : real , Benedict Shou credibility , let customers , small profits but quick turnover .

  10. 我公司人员不多,可以节约成本,以便更大的让利给服务对象。

    I am not much companies can save costs , in order to let more objects to the Service .

  11. 运用供求分析和价格管制下的投资决策模型讨论放权让利改革的局限性。

    Use supply and demand analysis and the price control investment decision-making model to discuss the limitation of profit reform .

  12. 其实他们并不需要短袜,但这些是让利销售,于是他们决定买几双。

    They do not really need sock , but these be on sale , and they decide to buy several pair .

  13. 他们中有营销精英,坚持拓展更广阔市场的同时,也为经销商们贴心让利;

    There are marketing elites in the tank , who persevere in interest concession for distributors while exploring more extensive markets ;

  14. 他表示,尽管黑色星期五的折扣不错,但月底实际上会有更加优厚的让利活动。

    He said that while discounts are very good on Black Friday , they actually improve at the end of the month .

  15. 打折让利最能吸引消费者的眼球,激发消费者的购买欲。

    Dozen fold those who let benefit can attract customer most " eyeball " , arouse the desire to buy of consumer .

  16. 服务宗旨:尽心尽意为客户服务,保证良好的服务质量,维持合理的价位让利顾客。

    Service tenet : conscious of customer service , ensure good quality of service , to maintain a reasonable price Rangli customers .

  17. 1993年以后,国有企业改革转变了过去放权让利的改革思路,着力于制度创新。

    After the year of 1993 , the state changed its SOE reform policies from residual control and profit sharing to institutional innovation .

  18. 事实证明,他们非常乐意强迫手机运营商给顾客让利,因为这能博得叫好声。

    They have proven very willing to force mobile operators to give money back to consumers because that attracts applause , he says .

  19. 为了节省机票和住宿费,最好时刻注意哪些打折或是让利的信息(基本上,不论如何,他们总是很有规则地出现)

    Better to watch out for sales and promotions ( which regularly comes up anyway ) to save on airfares and hotel bookings .

  20. “协议视具体情况而定,我们通常在费用上给予一定让利。”阿德里安约菲说。

    Dover Street 's arrangement is less fixed . " It 's a case-by-case situation . We often assist with costs , " says Adrian Joffe .

  21. 改革开放以来,随着中央政府放权让利政策的实施,地方政府之间的竞争逐渐浮出水面,由暗斗走向明争。

    Since the reform and opening up , the competition of local governments comes into being gradually along with the center government giving up power and profits .

  22. 银行实现差别服务的重要前提是争取足够多的合作商户,说服他们让利给银行的优质客户。

    The premise for bank 's deferential service is that there is enough business cooperators who could be persuaded into share interests with the bank 's customers .

  23. 试论社会医疗保险物流式定点药店的可行性从定点药店打折让利看医保链条上的疲软


  24. 它愿意让利以保证产品是价格最低,是世界上最火的科技公司之一。

    It 's willing to sacrifice some profit to ensure its prices are bargain-bin low . It 's also one of the hottest tech companies in the world .

  25. 政治上的分权与财政上的让利使地方财政利益日益凸显,而以经济增长为考量的政绩评价体制更让地方政府间竞争不断加剧。

    Political decentralization and fiscal incentives to local finance growed the fiscal benefit of local government , and the performance appraisal system which based on GDP deepening the competition .

  26. 其中的“优先补偿说”、“让利说”和“保本经营说”实际上只是分析了该制度的经济性质;

    The advocated doctrines of " preferred recovery "," favorable treatment ", and " non-loss operating " may only be used to explain the economic aspects of the regime .

  27. 二是经销商的赢利空间越来越小,以优惠形式的让利越来越少,取而代之的是在服务质量上的一拼高下。

    Second , dealers profit space is getting smaller and smaller , the form of concessionary let fewer and fewer , replaced by quality of service together on the high .

  28. 国有企业在经历了放权让利、利改税、承包制以后,积累了不少宝贵的经验,取得了显著的成效。

    After it experienced decentralization and interest concessions , substitution of tax payment for profit delivery and contract-system , it accumulated a lot of valuable experience and achieved remarkable performance .

  29. 最后的灵敏度分析说明了,合作让利能够使供应链参与者的利润都增加,而恶性循环最后都是双方备受损失。

    The final sensitivity analysis shows that all participants in the supply chain can increase profits by cooperation , while the loss of both are serious because of the vicious cycle .

  30. 如果成本得到了控制,产品的定价是不是就能实现更多地让利给消费者?

    How about its promotion ways ? Does it use TV , magazine or newspaper adverts ? can you also give some examples in terms of why they Why use these forms .