
  • 网络Sung non-litigation
  1. 本文作者愿以井蛙之见,通过尝试为讼卦原义正本清源,企图为传统法律文化的深入研究提供另一视角云。

    On this account , the author is trying to take a radical reform on Sung with his humble opinion to provide another perspective in further studying traditional legal culture on non-litigation .

  2. 然而,很少有人知道,讼卦的真实含义在特定历史文化语境中已被误读千年,并且当前仍然还在继续着它被误读的恶梦。

    However , few persons know that the real meanings of the hexagram Sung has been misunderstood for more than thousands of years at the specific historical and cultural context in ancient China , furthermore , the nightmare of the misunderstanding is going on nowadays .
