
tiáo jiě zhì dù
  • mediation system
  1. 对于调解制度中的强制性因素,理论界主要有否定论和限制论两种见解。

    There are two opinions that are negativism and restrictionism to the mandatory factors in mediation system .

  2. ADR中的国际商事调解制度及其对中国的启示

    Enlightenment of International Commercial Mediation System for China

  3. 此制度的设计是在我国调解制度的基础上,并借鉴国外的诉辩交易及ADR机制提出的,有其存在的理论依据和实践基础。

    Basing on the mediation system in our country , drawing on the experience of plea bargaining in foreign countries and ADR system , the writer indicates the above theory which having its theoretical and practical foundation .

  4. 第二部分:对我国行政诉讼不适用调解制度的反思。

    Part two : Does not apply in administrative proceedings Mediation .

  5. 并在此基础上,对我国法院调解制度提出了立法建议。

    Accordingly , the legislation suggestions on mediation institution are offered .

  6. 我国警察行政调解制度存在的问题与对策

    The Problems and Solutions in the System of Police Administrative Mediation

  7. 法院调解制度:检讨与重构

    Conciliation System of the Court : Self - criticism and Reconstruction

  8. 第四部分是关于我国行政诉讼调解制度构建的思考。

    The fourth part is about the Administrative Litigation Mediation Construction .

  9. 论中国传统调解制度及其保护权利的局限性

    On the Traditional Chinese Mediation and Its Limitation of Protecting Right

  10. 文章以中国的调解制度为研究对象,从中国调解制度的发展脉络入手,对调解制度的基本理论、现状及完善手段进行了一定的研究。

    This paper has made a study of the Chinese mediation system .

  11. 反思、重构:我国法院调解制度

    Rethink and Reconstruct : Mediation System of the Chinese Court of Justice

  12. 美国法院建立调解制度的历史尝试

    A Historical Try of American Court to Establishing the System of Mediation

  13. 家法族规与人民调解制度&试论两者的共通之处及家法族规对人民调解制度的借鉴

    FOR THE PEOPLE The Clan Rules and the System of People Intermediation

  14. 这正是法院调解制度的价值所在。

    All above consist of the value of the conciliation of court .

  15. 论人民调解制度的发展与完善

    The Analysis on the Development and Perfect of People 's Mediation System

  16. 调解制度的文化底蕴及其当代转型

    On the Cultural Background and Modern Transformation of the System of Mediation

  17. 司法资源困境下法院立案调解制度构建之探析

    A Research on Establishment of Pre-trial Mediation Regulation with Limited Judicial Resources

  18. 和谐社会背景下行政调解制度探讨

    On Administrative Conciliation System against the Background of Building a Harmonious Society

  19. 和谐社会视野中的多元化纠纷解决机制&以我国法院调解制度为视角

    Pluralistic Resolution Mechanism in Harmonious Society & From the Angle of Reconciliation

  20. 英国《民事诉讼规则》中的调解制度研究

    Research on the Mediation System Provided in the UK Civil Procedure Rules

  21. 第三部分指出了现今我国法院调解制度存在的一些问题。

    The third part pointed out the current court mediation systemin China .

  22. 人民调解制度:法律性质、文化成因及现代意义分析

    Civil Mediation : its Legal Nature , Cultural Elements and Contemporary Significance

  23. 我国古代调解制度解析

    An Analysis of the Ancient Mediation System in China

  24. 行政诉讼调解制度初探

    An Initial Study of Establishing Administrative Litigation Mediation System

  25. 完善法院调解制度若干问题研究

    Study on Several Problems of Perfecting Court Mediation System

  26. 试论人民调解制度的立法完善

    Tentative Analysis on Legislative Perfection of Civil Mediation System

  27. 和谐社会下的法院调解制度的重构

    Reconstructing the Court Mediation System in the Harmonious Society

  28. 建立行政诉讼调解制度的法理分析

    Theoretical Analyses of the Establishment of Administration Litigation Mediation

  29. 论我国行政诉讼中调解制度的适用

    The Application of the Mediation in the Administrative Action

  30. 相同中立者仲裁中的调解制度:挑战与突破

    The System of Same-Neutral Med-Arb : Challenge and Breakthrough