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  • 网络Gucheng;Valley City;Gokseong;The Cereal City
  1. 采取层次分析法设计了LE-PSR生态环境评价指标,提出了评价标准与综合评价方法。以科研课题示范村谷城县堰河村为对象,进行了实证评价研究。

    In accordance with the method of AHP , designed LE-PSR ecological evaluation index system , and proposed evaluation criteria and evaluation methods . Finally , Used Yanhe village in Gucheng as the main research object , verified the feasibility of the evaluation model .

  2. 秘密社会是谷城教案背后的秘密操纵者。

    The secret society was the secret manipulator behind the Gucheng Christian case .

  3. 谷城县0~14岁儿童意外死亡调查

    A Study on the Accidental Deaths Among 0 ~ 14-Year-Old Children in Gucheng County

  4. 论周谷城的教育观

    On Zhou Gucheng 's Educational Concepts

  5. 谷城水文站水位流量关系综合线推流分析

    Flow Speculation Based on Synthetical Handle Line of Water Level and Flow of Gucheng Hydrological Station

  6. 湖北谷城县观音坪地区推覆构造为武当山巨型推覆构造的一部分。

    Decollement-nappe structure of the Guanyinping region is a part of nappe structure of Wudang Mountain .

  7. 从谷城教案看晚清鄂北乡村社会矛盾

    A Research on the Social Contradiction of North Hubei Province in Late Qing Dynasty : By Analyzing " Gucheng Christian Case "

  8. 我国乡镇政府改革的困境与出路&翻烧饼:谷城县乡镇改革述评意大利西北的一个海港城市;利古里亚区的首府。

    Repeating : Review on the Towns Reform of Gucheng County ; a seaport in northwestern Italy ; provincial capital of Liguria .

  9. 谷城县1~14岁儿童意外死亡的潜在寿命损失年数分析

    Analysis of years of potential life lost through unintentional death among 1 ~ 14 year old children in Gucheng county , Hubei province

  10. 目的探讨意外伤害对湖北省谷城县1~14岁儿童造成的寿命损失。

    Objective To explore life loss caused by unintentional death among the children aged 1 ~ 14 years in Gucheng county , Hubei Province .

  11. 目的:了解谷城县0~14岁儿童意外死亡的主要原因及其在全死因中的构成。

    Objective : To understand the leading causes of accidental deaths and their proportion in all deaths among the children aged 0 ~ 14 years in Gucheng county .

  12. 在谷城教案中,从传布谣言、烧抢教民,到围攻教堂,他们都是积极的组织者和参与者。

    In the Gucheng Christian case , from spreading rumors , burning and robbing the believer , to besieging the church , they were all active organizers and participants .

  13. 谷城县体育与健康弱势群体参与课外体育活动的频度是很低的,每周参与3次以上的学生只有23.88%。

    Gucheng County Health vulnerable groups to participate in sports and extracurricular activities , the frequency is low , more than 3 times a week students participate in only 23.88 % .

  14. 迄今为止,学界对周谷城史学思想的研究大多限于专题方面,系统性研究还很少见。

    Up to now , the analysis of Zhou Gu-cheng historiography though was limited to some specific topics , but it is still missing a systematic study of his contribution to Historiography .

  15. 通过对湖北省襄樊市谷城县历史街区保护规划的研究,运用类型学的方法进行历史街区保护规划尝试,试图从中探索一种关于历史街区的保护与更新的思路和方法。

    Based on the studies about the conservation planning for the historic street in Gucheng County , Hubei Province , the author try to find out a new approach in historic conservation .

  16. 建议采用了一种蓄、泄量双重控制的常规防洪调度方法&蓄泄结合防洪调度法,并用于研究寺坪水库对下游谷城防洪的防洪调度;

    As a new normal flood deployment method , storage and discharge & double controlled method is firstly presented to solve the flood dictating rule of Siping reservoir for the downstream town Gucheng .

  17. 对周谷城比较思想及其实践进行研究,对于了解我国比较史学的发展以及推进史学比较研究大有裨益。

    Accordingly , studying Zhou Gucheng 's comparative ideology and practice is of great benefit not only to the understanding the progress of comparative history but also to upgrading the research method itself .

  18. 谷城县体育与健康弱势学生参与课外体育活动与学校的作息时间是相符的,·有一半以上的学生(51.80%)的学生每次锻炼的时间在30-60分钟之间。

    Gucheng County Health disadvantaged students to participate in sports and extracurricular activities and school sports schedule is a match , more than half of students ( 51.80 % ) of the students of the time each exercise 30-60 minutes .

  19. 谷城县中学体育与健康弱势学生绝大部分对课外体育活动的重要性的认识态度是良好的,有95.68%的学生认为体育锻炼很重要和重要。

    Gucheng County middle school PE and the health of vulnerable students in extracurricular sports activities most of the awareness of the importance of attitude is good , with 95.68 % of the students that physical exercise is very important and important .