
gǔ zi
  • millet;foxtail millet;unhusked rice
谷子 [gǔ zi]
  • (1) [millet]∶一年生草本植物,茎直立,叶子条状披针形、有毛,穗状圆锥花序,子实圆形或椭圆形,脱壳后叫小米,是我国北方的粮食作物。也叫粟

  • (2) [unhusked rice] 〈方〉∶稻的没有去壳的子实

谷子[gǔ zi]
  1. 应用Fuzzy贴近度定量预报谷子锈病的研究

    Study on Quantitative Forecast of Millet Rust by Applying Fuzzy Approach Degree

  2. 谷子DNA导入玉米的研究

    A Study on Introducing Millet DNA into Maize

  3. 她撒谷子喂鸡。

    She scattered corn for the chickens .

  4. 小鸡会把你扔在地上的谷子全鹐起来吃掉。

    The chickens will peck up all the grain that you throw on the ground .

  5. 越国人估计时机已到,便将瓦罐里的谷子换成水,在上面浅浅覆盖一层谷糠,兴冲冲跑来的老鼠一点儿也没有一个提防,在夜里成群结队地再次光临,它们次序井然地进入瓦罐里面,结果一只也没有活着出来。

    Thinking that it is the right time , the Yue person replaced the grains with water , and placed some chaff2 on the surface of the water . During the night , the mice came in groups again excitedly and were not alert at all . They entered the pitcher orderly and none of them came out alive .

  6. 用锚定PCR技术筛选谷子微卫星文库的研究

    Study on Filtering Microsatellite Library of Foxtail Millet by Anchored PCR Technology

  7. 谷子G-显带核型的研究

    Studies of G-banding karyotypes in Millet

  8. 用SAM法分离谷子SSR位点的研究

    Isolation of SSR Locus in Setaria italica by SAM Method

  9. 谷子Ch型显性核不育性恢复可育机制的探讨

    Studies on the Genetic Mechanism of the Ch-type Male-sterility in Millet

  10. PEG对谷子种子活力和田间产量影响的研究

    Studies on Increasing Seed Vigor and Field Yield by PEG Treatment in Foxtail Millet

  11. 用SSR标记研究谷子品种的遗传多样性

    A Study on the Genetic Diversity of Foxtail Millet Cultivars by SSR Markers

  12. 高效液相色谱法测定谷子幼苗中的GA1和GA3

    Simultaneous Determination of Gibberellins A 1 and A 3 in Foxtail Millet Seedlings by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  13. 应用RAPD标记研究不同生态区谷子品种的遗传差异

    Genetic variation among varieties of foxtail millet from different regions in China based on RAPD markers

  14. 谷子雄性不育基因Ms~(ch)的遗传研究

    Genetic Study on Dominant Male-Sterile Gene M _s ~ ( ch ) in Millet

  15. 在太原市三大农业区布点采集成熟的农作物籽粒(玉米、高粱、水稻、小麦、谷子)和相应的农田土壤进行Hg含量的测定,分析Hg在土壤和作物中的迁移转化的关系。

    Mercury content in several crop grains and farmland were measured and analyzed in Taiyuan agriculture area .

  16. 谷子(粟)生育过程中POX同工酶的分析

    The Behaviour of Peroxidase Isoenzyme in Growed-development Process of Foxtail Millet

  17. 谷子耐盐系的几种同工酶的变化及外源ABA对它们的影响

    Changes of some isoenzymes in salt - tolerant cell line of Setaria italica and the effects of external ABA on them

  18. 谷子种子加速老化处理的最佳温度是41℃,最适时间是48h;

    The suitable temperature of AA treatment for foxtail millet was 41 and the time was 48h .

  19. 山地谷子的水分利用效率(WUE)还略高于川地谷子。

    However , the water use efficiency in the terrace was a little higher than in the flatland .

  20. 应用Mapdraw软件构建了这3个AFLP分子标记和谷子抗锈病基因Rusi1的遗传连锁图谱。

    And then the three AFLP molecular markers were used to construct a genetic linkage map for millet rust resistance gene .

  21. 研究了不同作物秸秆腐解过程中土壤微生物量C、N、P的变化,结果表明:当玉米、谷子、马铃薯和苜蓿秸秆施入土壤后,其微生物量C、N、P明显增高。

    The results of studying on soil microbial biomass during decomposition of crop straws shown : after the straws of corn , millet , potato and alfalfa have been applied in soil , microbial biomass C , N and P increased obviously .

  22. 今年早些时候,科学家们宣布他们已经发现了一种御谷(pearlmillet)的天然种类,含有高量的β-胡萝卜素,他们把这种谷子命名为“金谷”。

    Earlier this year , scientists there announced that they had discovered a natural variety of pearl millet containing high levels of beta-carotene ( which they named'golden millet ' ) .

  23. 本文较系统地阐述了谷子雄性不育基因Ms~(ch)的遗传机制,从而进一步在细胞遗传学水平上确认谷子雄性不育复等位基因的存在。

    The genetic mechanism of dominant male-sterile gene Msch was investigated and described , thus confirming the existence of dominant male-sterile multiple alleles in milet at the level of cytogenetics .

  24. 同时发现,桑树/谷子间作的土地当量比(LER)增加,土地有效利用率提高。

    Land equivalent ratio ( LER ) and land utilization rate increased in mulberry / millet intercropping system .

  25. 在土壤含水量为80%田间持水量时,随着伤根程度的加剧和伤根时间的后移,谷子子粒产量WUE下降,伤根不利于谷子WUE的提高;

    At the 80 % field capacity , when the root was cutted more seriously and more later , the seed yield WUE of millet were dropped ;

  26. 谷子(SetariaitalicaBeauv.)高异交结实雄性不育系81-16的柱头性状观察

    The Stigma Observation on Foxtail Millet ( Setaria italica Beauv . ) Male-sterile Line " 81-16 " with High Outcross Seed Setting

  27. 谷子(SetariaitalicaBeauv.)在不同光周期下酯酶同工酶和某些生理特性的比较研究

    A comparative study on the esterase isoenzymes and some physiological characteristics in millet ( setaria italica beauv . ) under different photoperiod treatments

  28. 通过回归分析,得出在宁南半干旱地区微集水种植谷子比较适宜的沟垄宽度为45cm。

    By regression analysis , the optimum width of ridge and furrow was about 45 cm .

  29. 结果证明,谷子的水分利用效率较高,在试验条件下达到8.90g/(kg·盆),比各种主要粮食作物高18.6%~106.9%。

    The results showed that the millet had high water use efficiency . Under the conditon of test it was 8.90 g / ( kg · pot ), and was increased by 18.6 % ~ 106.9 % compared with other major grain crops .

  30. 方法利用高空气球搭载谷子的干种子,在高空飘游8h后回收种植,对其植物学特性及品质进行分析研究。

    Method Air dried seeds of millet were carried by high altitude balloon ( HAB ) for8 h.Botany characteristics of these seeds were analyzed and studied after recovery .