
  • 网络financial management system
  1. 医院财务管理制度的改革与实践

    Reform and Practice of Hospital Financial Management System

  2. 高校社会有偿服务财务管理制度的构想

    The Concept of Financial Management System for Paid Social Services of Colleges and Universities

  3. 我国高校内部经费分配与财务管理制度分析

    An Analysis of Funds Allocation and Financing Management System in University

  4. 三是建立公立医院产权和财务管理制度;

    Thirdly , construct the property and financial management framework ;

  5. 林业股份公司财务管理制度探讨

    Study on Financial Management Institution of Forestry Joint Stock Corporation

  6. 中小企业财务管理制度设计探讨

    Probe into Financial Management of Small and Middle-sized Business

  7. 建立严明的内部管理制度:质量控制制度和财务管理制度。

    Third , establishing a strict internal management system and the financial management .

  8. 村级财务管理制度的变迁

    The Village Class Finance Management Institutional Change

  9. 执行公司财务管理制度及工作流程。

    Implement Corporate Financial Policy and SOP .

  10. 这就需要尽快建立一套适合中外合作办学机构自身发展的财务管理制度。

    So we must establish a fitful finacial management system for the Sino-Foreign Corporative Education section .

  11. 库存材料帐目的管理既要遵守财务管理制度,又要符合实验室信息化管理标准。

    Account management of stock materials not only abide financial rules and regulations , but also accord with the standard of laboratory information management .

  12. 五是加强了对水利建设资金的管理,建立健全财务管理制度,努力提高资金使用效果。

    Local governments increasingly strengthen the management of water conservancy funds , establish and improve financial management regulations to promote the benefits of funds ;

  13. 由于缺少相应的财务管理制度,因此没有相应的管理方案,货币资金的管理比较盲目。

    Due to lack of appropriate financial management system , there is no corresponding management program , which result to an aimless cash management .

  14. 分析了现行农村财务管理制度中存在的弊端,对如何加强农村财务的管理进行了探讨。

    This paper analyzes the defects existing in current rural financial management system , and probes into how to strengthen the rural financial management .

  15. 村级会计委托代理制是近十年来经实践证明为有效的农村财务管理制度。

    Financial accounting principle-agent system has been proven to be a very effective financial management system at Village level after the practice in the recent decade .

  16. 建立健全财务管理制度,加强房地产投资的资金管理,加强贷款资金的后期监督管理以规避项目面临的资金管理风险。

    Set up a sound financial management system ; strengthen the real estate investment fund management ; strengthen the supervision and management of late loan capital .

  17. 随着企业财务管理制度化、系统化、电子化的发展趋势,越来越多的企业纷纷构建了各自的财务系统。

    As the financial administration is becoming more systematic , electronic , and institutionalized , more and more enterprises have set up their own financial systems .

  18. 当前应注重加强我国海外直接投资的创新培育,主要包括宏观管理模式创新、跨国经营机制创新、财务管理制度创新、企业组建模式创新以及海外投资信息管理模式的创新。

    We should pay more attention to such innovation as macro-management model , transnational operation mechanism , finance management , firm organization and overseas FDI information management model .

  19. 本文从实证角度,着重探讨高校财务管理制度和预算管理体制中存在的问题,并且提出解决这些问题的若干建议。

    Therefore , this paper probes into some of the problems occurring in the financial and budget management systems , and put forward some suggestions to solve these problems .

  20. 对横向科研经费的管理要规范其收支行为,制定科研经费财务管理制度,使科研人员做到有章可循、有法可依,自觉遵守有关财经规章制度。

    Standard research fund management in income and payout , made management policies of research funds , made researcher to do obeying policies and laws , obeying consciously finacial policies .

  21. 财务管理制度是一个企业或组织管理制度的具体子系统,并服从企业战略、文化、管理制度以及管理模式等。

    Financial management system is an organization or enterprise management system , the specific subsystems , and subject to corporate strategy , culture , management system , and mode of administration .

  22. 摘要随着市场经济的发展,高校资金筹措方式向多元化方向发展,而目前的财务管理制度已难以适应新形势的要求。

    The development of market economy has caused the collection of finance to be pluralized while the present financial administration system has failed to meet the demands of the new situation .

  23. 经济秩序是被犯罪行为间接侵犯的,财务管理制度并非为犯罪行为必然侵犯,因此都不是本罪的客体。

    Economic order is violated indirectly by criminal act and the institution of financial management isn 't violated inevitably by criminal act , so they aren 't the object of this crime .

  24. 发现资产规模和企业制度并不是信用等级的决定因素,还贷记录、成立时间的长短和健全的财务管理制度等因素才是与信用强相关的因素。

    We find that capital scale and enterprise system are not the decisive factors , while repayment record , the period of establishment and sound financial administration system are the strongly relative factors .

  25. 由于政府拨款和自身收入的增长幅度有限、高校内部财务管理制度缺失等因素易导致高校负债风险的产生。

    Because government allocate funds with one 's own increasing degree limited , financial management system person who lack apt to cause university in debt production of risk factor inside the university of income .

  26. 因此,需要通过健全集团内部财务管理制度,全面贯彻预算控制制度,下派财务总监,规范集团法人治理结构来推进企业健康运行。

    In order to propel the enterprise revolving well , we should carry through internal financial management and budget control rule , assign financial supervisor , and standardize the corporate governance of enterprise group .

  27. 近几年来随着报业集团化发展的需要,制定了一系列的管理制度,报业集团通过实施这些财务管理制度对集团的成员公司的不同财务指标产生了积极的作用。

    With the development of the press group , recently , a series of financial management system have been made . The main contents , implementation regulations of the system have positive function on each branch company .

  28. 据此,在分析问题原因的基础上,提出应在严格执行经费投入政策,加大对计生人员结构、经费支出结构调整力度,加强创收、完善财务管理制度等方面采取相应对策。

    On the basis of the analyses , corresponding countermeasures are put forward as the following : to execute strictly the fund investment policy adjust FP personnel structure and expenditure structure , increase income and improve financial management system .

  29. 对过去的重身份、轻岗位薪酬制度进行改革,建立以基本工资+岗位工资+绩效工资为主的科学薪酬体系;最后引入现代企业的财务管理制度。

    Reform the past salary system , " value identity , light post ", and establish the salary system of " basic salary + post salary + pay for performance "; Finally , introduce financial management system of modern enterprise .

  30. 农民专业合作社运行不规范问题集中在涉农企业设立的合作社,应采取加强法律宣传,强化监督机制,完善财务管理制度等措施来解决。

    Which co-operative do not practices according to the law mostly was the co-operative found by enterprise relating to agriculture . We should strengthen publicity , strengthen supervising mechanism , improve and perfect the financial management system to solve it .