
  • 网络Poverty;the poverty problem;the problem of poverty
  1. 曼彻斯特仍然受到城区脏乱和严重贫困问题的困扰。

    Manchester still suffers from urban blight and unacceptable poverty .

  2. 他们得到指示要特别关注贫困问题。

    They have been directed to give special attention to the problem of poverty

  3. 种族分化已经加剧了长期的贫困问题。

    Longstanding poverty has been exacerbated by racial divisions .

  4. 这项耗资1000万美元、历时4年的评估报告希望像政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)那样,评估饥饿与贫困问题。

    The four-year , US $ 10 million assessment hopes to be like'an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change'for hunger and poverty .

  5. Abe表示,经济合作和发展组织(OECD)在2008年全球经济危机以前就已经指出了日本不断上升的贫困问题。

    Abe says studies conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) point to rising poverty in Japan before the global economic crises in 2008 .

  6. Al-Ahmadi说,随着也门政府逐步取消不具备可持续性的能源补贴,食品价格还有可能继续上涨,从而在短期内使贫困问题进一步加重。

    And prices will likely continue to rise as the government gradually abandons unsustainable energy subsidies , worsening the problem for the poor in the short-term , Al-Ahmadi says .

  7. 广西石山区农民贫困问题研究

    A Study on Farmers ' Poverty-Alleviation in Karst Area in Guangxi

  8. 解决贫困问题成为和谐发展的关键所在。

    To reduce poverty has become the key to harmonious development .

  9. 中国的贫困问题复杂,并且主要体现为农村贫困。

    Poverty in China is complex , extremely the rural poverty .

  10. 大学生心理贫困问题浅析

    An Analysis of the Problem of College Students ' Psychological Poverty

  11. 中国西部地区生态贫困问题与生态重建

    Ecological poverty problems and ecological reconstruction in West Area of China

  12. 土地制度转型,不立田制,不抑兼并,贫困问题严重;

    The land system transformed so that poor problem was serious ;

  13. 云南省兰坪县河西乡普米族贫困问题研究

    Pumi Poverty Study in Hexi , Lanping County of Yunnan Province

  14. 农民贫困问题对于中国社会有着极其严重的影响。

    Poor problem of peasant affects Republic period Chinese society seriously .

  15. 对解决贫困问题的思考

    Thinking Twice the Problem Solving On the Solution to the Poverty Problem

  16. 我国城市反贫困问题研究

    A Study of Urban Anti - Poverty of Our Country

  17. 当前我国城市贫困问题的原因分析与对策建议

    The Analysis and Proposals of the Urban Poverty in China

  18. 20世纪90年代以来中印贫困问题比较研究

    A Comparative Study of China and India 's Poverty Problem

  19. 宣传公平薪水、创造就业机会和缓解贫困问题。

    Promoting Fair wages , Job creation and poverty alleviation .

  20. 转型期的中国城市贫困问题研究

    A Study of Urban Penury in China in the Period of Transformation

  21. 拉丁美洲和加勒比贫困问题区域会议

    Regional Conference on Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean

  22. 国外对新城市贫困问题的研究已经比较成熟。

    Research in foreign countries on new urban poverty is relatively mature .

  23. 当即解决贫困问题的法子仍然是难以捉摸的。

    Immediate solutions for solving problems surrounding poverty remain elusive .

  24. 21世纪中国剩存贫困问题的本质特征及治理对策

    Feature and Strategy of the Rest Poverty of China in the 21st Century

  25. 新时期中国农村反贫困问题研究

    Research on Current Anti-poverty in Rural Areas of China

  26. 论文最后提出的解决哈尼族地区贫困问题的对策与建议。

    The thesis brings forward countermeasures and suggestions for solving the poverty problem .

  27. 英国过渡时期的贫困问题

    The Problem of Poverty in England 's Transitional Period

  28. 法学视野中的反贫困问题研究

    Study on Anti - poverty in View of Law

  29. 中国城市贫困问题研究综述

    A Review of Researches in Urban Poverty in China

  30. 对甘肃农村贫困问题的新思考

    The New Thoughts on the Poverty Problem in Rural Regions in Gansu Province