
  • 网络Aristocracy;natural aristocracy;aristokratia
  1. 因此柏克主张的宪政在本质上乃是贵族制的宪政。

    Thus the constitutional government claimed by Burke is that of aristocracy .

  2. 近代前期思想家对英国贵族制的评论

    The Comments on the British Aristocracy by Thinkers in the Early Period of Modern Times

  3. 终身贵族制的建立大大地加速了贵族院的议事进程。

    The institution of life peerages has quickened proceedings in the house of Lords considerably .

  4. 第四部分,比较了世禄制和俸禄制的异同,指出世禄制实质上是贵族世袭制下爵禄合一的制度,因爵而制禄。

    Pointed out in the hereditary title system essence is under the aristocrat hereditary system the rank and emoluments gathers a system , but because of title makes the wealth .

  5. 僧侣和贵族受免税制的保护,不用纳税,整个国家的负担都扔给中下层阶级。

    The clergy and nobility were protected from taxation by a system of exemption that threw the whole burden of the state upon the middle and lower classes .

  6. 但蒙古贵族传统的分封制,导致了蒙古地区封建割据的形成和泛滥;

    The tribute system of Mongolian aristocracy formed and increasing feudal separated jurisdiction in Mongol area .