
mào yì rónɡ zī
  • trade financing
  1. 第三,世界银行(worldbank)和区域性发展银行,连同各出口信贷机构,必须扩大贸易融资的信用额度。

    Third , the world bank and regional development banks , with export credit agencies , must offer expanded lines for trade financing .

  2. 外资银行的业务重点是非人民币贷款、信用证(letterofcredits)、无担保的周转信贷(unsecuredrevolvingcredit)、贸易融资(tradefinancing)等。

    Foreign banks typically focus on non-RMB loans , letter of credits , unsecured revolving credits and trade financing .

  3. 这项交易是中国钢铁生产商宝钢与澳大利亚矿业巨头力拓在开放贸易融资网络Contour上达成的。

    The transaction was made between Chinese steelmaker Baosteel and Australian mining giant Rio Tinto on open trade finance network Contour .

  4. 其次在对比国内外贸易融资研究成果的基础上,分析X商业银行国际贸易融资现状及存在问题。

    Secondly , in contrast to domestic and international trade finance research based on analysis of the commercial bank financing of international trade situation and problems .

  5. 中国在非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)上月于上海召开的一次会议上表示,计划在未来3年内向非洲提供规模约200亿美元的基础设施和贸易融资。

    At a meeting of the African Development Bank in Shanghai last month , China said it wants to provide around $ 20bn in infrastructure and trade financing to Africa over the next three years .

  6. 加入WTO后,随着国内各商业银行以及外资银行对国际结算业务的竞争的加剧,国际贸易融资必将成为各行争夺的焦点。

    After joining in WTO , along with an increasingly competition among various domestic commercial banks and foreign banks in international settlement business , trade financing will become the focal point of contention .

  7. 银行一直在大力游说,反对全球规则《巴塞尔协议III》(BaselIII)对贸易融资设定的限制,该协议将从2013年开始逐步实施。

    Banks have lobbied hard against the constraints imposed on trade finance by the Basel III global rule book , due to be phased in from 2013 .

  8. 第五章,采用实证分析的方法,引入X银行出口信用保险项下的国际贸易融资实例,来具体说明X银行在具体操作上如何防范风险。

    Chapter V , using empirical analysis methods , cite an X Bank export credit insurance , international trade financing instance , to specify the specific operation on X bank to guard against risks .

  9. 与此同时,投资者可以预期得到更多类似渣打银行(StandardChartered)在本周四披露的消息,即该行贸易融资和现金管理业务的平均余额正在强劲增长。

    Meantime , investors should expect more of the type of disclosure on Thursday from Standard Chartered , which said that average balances in its trade finance and cash management businesses were growing strongly .

  10. 该计划体现了一些切实的成就:慷慨增加向国际货币基金组织(imf)提供的资金、增发特别提款权,以及增加贸易融资。

    This reflected some real achievements : a generous increase in funding for the International Monetary Fund , a new issuance of special drawing rights and a boost for trade finance .

  11. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)已同意大幅扩张其贸易融资计划,在2013年前提供至多150亿美元的资金支持,以帮助抵御因商业银行放贷艰难而加剧的出口滑坡。

    The Asian Development Bank has agreed a significant expansion of its trade finance programme , to generate up to $ 15bn in support through until 2013 to help to counter an export slump that has been exacerbated by the lending difficulties of commercial banks .

  12. 花旗集团(CitigroupInc。)贸易融资全球负责人阿西姆(JohnAhearn)说,全球贸易融资业务处在重压之下。

    ' The trade-finance business globally is under significant stress , 'says John Ahearn , the global head of trade finance at Citigroup Inc.

  13. 本文通过对F银行国际贸易融资业务风险进行分析,希望对如何加强银行国际贸易融资业务风险防范具有一定的指导意义。

    By the analysis of international trade and financing risk of F bank , hopefully this thesis can provide some useful guidance for how to enhance the control of risk for international trade and financing of banks .

  14. 阿里巴巴占据着中国电子商务市场的大部分份额。而据中国互联网信息中心(ChinaInternetNetworkInformationCentre)统计,去年中国电子商务市值为2040亿美元。如今,阿里巴巴有一个移动操作系统,为供应商提供贸易融资,甚至可能开始提供消费贷款。

    As well as accounting for the majority of China 's e-commerce , a market worth $ 204 billion last year according to the China Internet Network Information Centre , Alibaba now has a mobile operating system , offers trade financing to vendors and may even start offering consumer loans .

  15. 花旗与IFC启动的合作,是世行今年4月宣布的500亿美元全球贸易融资计划的一部分。

    Citi and the IFC are launching the partnership as part of a $ 50bn global trade finance initiative announced by the World Bank in April .

  16. 类似的“向质量转移”趋势,也体现于贸易融资统计数据,最详细的数据由香港金融管理局(hkma)编集。

    A similar flight to quality is reflected by trade finance statistics , the most detailed of which are compiled by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority .

  17. 这是ifc自今年4月以来与银行开展的第二项合作,标志着各银行重新开始愿意为新兴市场提供贸易融资。

    The tie-up the second the IFC has entered into with a bank in recent months since April marks a new willingness by banks to finance trade in emerging markets .

  18. 其次,分别从经济、金融体系以及宏观经济等角度,对F银行国际贸易融资风险管理的现状加以分析,着重分析了国际贸易融资在管理中存在的风险和授信体系中存在的缺陷。

    Secondly , it analyzes the current status of trade and financing risk management of F bank from the perspective of economical and financing system and macroeconomics . The article focuses on the risk management of international trade financing and the defect of credit system .

  19. 本文正是在此背景下,提出了基于企业选择偏好的联合分析,研究LX银行上海分行的跨境人民币贸易融资产品的课题。

    Then under this circumstance , this paper raises the research on RMB Cross-Border trade financial products of LX bank , based on the conjoint analysis of choice preference .

  20. 在专题部分中,我们观察IFC的国际贸易融资项目是如何保持贸易融资适合发展中国家在市场发生剧烈变化的时期里面。

    In a special section , we look at how the IFC 's Global Trade Finance Program is keeping trade finance flowing to developing countries at a time of drastic changes in market conditions .

  21. 最后,笔者通过对WHC银行办理的对WG公司贸易融资进口开证案例的分析,对贸易融资业务的特点和风险控制作了进一步说明。

    In the end , The writer express the benefit of international trade financing through analyzing the case on comprehensive credit of financing which granted by WHC Bank to WG Company .

  22. 外国贷款增加69亿美元,增幅为17%,其中包括我们在第三季度完成英国CRE并购交易所获得的40亿美元,以及我们贸易融资业务的增长。他说。

    Foreign loans grew $ 6.9 billion or 17 % , which included $ 4 billion from the UK CRE acquisition we completed in the third quarter , as well as growth in our trade finance business , he said .

  23. 麻生表示:我们需要确保有充足的贸易融资,因为贸易目前正在萎缩。他还计划在伦敦强调,需要延续和拓展G20领导人在抵制保护主义上的承诺,目前这种承诺受到了削弱。

    We need to ... ensure that there will be sufficient trade financing , because trade is shrinking now , says Mr Aso , who also plans to stress in London the need for an extension and expansion of G20 leaders ' fraying commitment to combat protectionism .

  24. 银行进出口贸易融资发展策略实证研究

    An empirical analysis of the development of bank 's export-import financing

  25. 伯恩:换句话说,我们将为这项贸易融资。

    Or in other words , we will finance the trade .

  26. 其中包括了一些重要的职能如贸易融资。

    Some of these include critical functions such as trade finance .

  27. 人民币汇率与商业银行国际贸易融资关系研究

    Study on Relationship between RMB Exchange Rate and International Trade Finance

  28. 首先分析A银行国际贸易融资的现状及存在的问题。

    It firstly analyzes on A Bank international trade financing situation .

  29. 项目融资实际上是一种结构贸易融资,它的独特性在于将归还贷款资金来源限定在与特定项目的收益和资产范围之内。

    Actually project financing is a kind of structural trade financing .

  30. 商业银行国际贸易融资汇率风险防范研究

    Commercial bank international trade financing exchange rate risk prevention research