
  1. 人们通常把价值增殖当作剩余价值的同义语,看作是资本主义商品经济的特殊范畴。

    Generally people take the value added for surplus value and as a special category of capitalist commodity economy .

  2. 近代保险是资本主义商品经济的产物。

    However , they cannot evolve themselves into the modern insurance system , because the latter is the result of the capitalistic economy .

  3. 它的产生和演变,凝结了资本主义商品经济秩序发展过程中道德问题上成功的经验和失败的教训。

    Its emergence and evolvement condensed the successful experiences and lost lessons of moral issues in the orderly development course of capitalistic commercial economy .

  4. 作为整个语言系统的一大类别,西方广告语言的文化语境必然是资本主义商品经济。

    As one category of the whole language system , the context of culture in the western advertising language is sure to be capitalist commodity economy .

  5. 他基础性地从单一要素角度解释了资本主义商品经济发达初期国际贸易得以进行的动因,并且对此后的世界贸易活动具有理论上的一定指导意义。

    He explains the underlying forces of the international trade in the early capitalist commodity economy from the angle of single element , which can direct the future international trading activities .

  6. 最后,随着资本主义商品经济的高速发展,信托以崭新的姿态步入现代工商业时期,显示出强大的生命力。

    At last , with the rapid development of capitalistic commercial economy , the trust steps into an age of modern industrialized commercialization with a new posture and shows a strong life .

  7. 在启蒙思想的影响下,也随着资本主义商品经济的发展,从19世纪起,西方各国纷纷在刑法修订过程中废除了没收财产刑,并形成了世界范围内的废止没收财产刑潮流。

    Since 19th century , under the impact of the Enlightenment Thought and with the development of capitalist commercial economy , Western countries abolished Forfeiture of Property one by one in the amendment of their criminal laws .

  8. 摘要在乡土美学之既定学科语境中的乡土,是指资本主义商品经济和大工业文明出现以来,与城市在空间形态和时间性质上双重同步对立的农村、乡村。

    Local , defined in the discipline of local aesthetics , refers to the countryside and village that is synchronically opposite to city in time and space after the emergence of capitalist commercial economy and the industrial civilization .

  9. 资本主义经济是商品经济充分发展的产物。

    Capitalist economy is an outcome of full ? Developed commodity economy .

  10. 合理个人主义不是商品经济的反映,而是资本主义私有制商品经济的必然。

    Rational individualism is not a reflection of the commodity economy , but a inevitable result of commodity economy under capitalism .

  11. 在资本主义高度发达的商品经济条件下,更加拓展了信托的弹性空间。

    The condition of capitalistic commercial economy increases the use of the trust .