
  • 网络superbugs;Super virus
  1. 究竟是一个超级病毒还是一个商业软件?

    Is it a super virus or a commercial protector ?

  2. 这是因为约翰超级病毒广受关注,科学家们正在寻找人类和动物之间的疾病传染的所有可能途径。

    The report appeared in the very first issue of superbugs , scientists are exploring all possible pathways of disease between humans and animals .

  3. 不过,最恐怖的威胁要数某些类型的超级病毒。

    Perhaps the scariest threat is some type of super-virulent virus .

  4. 除非及时采取措施,随着病菌的抗药能力逐渐提高,将有数以百万计,无法有效治疗的超级病毒肆虐世间。到时,即使一个普通的手术也可能致命。

    Unless urgent action is taken , the ' ticking timebomb " of growing antibiotic resistance could leave millions vulnerable to untreatable bugs within a generation .

  5. 林恩辩称,关键是要提高军方与民间在互联网安全上的合作,目前从网络间谍到信息网络攻击和病毒比如可导致物理破坏的“超级工厂病毒”(stuxnet)的威胁越来越严重。

    The deputy defence secretary argued it was essential to increase military and civilian co-operation on Internet security , as threats increased in severity from cyberespionage to attacks on information networks and viruses , such as the Stuxnet worm , that can cause physical damage .

  6. 在“超级工厂”病毒攻击伊朗之前,网络战最著名的例子是2007年爱沙尼亚遭受的一次攻击。

    Until the Stuxnet attack on Iran , the most famous episode of cyber-warfare was an attack on Estonia in 2007 .