
  1. h希望我能超越梦想,做个社会有用的人。

    I hope I can go beyond dream to be a useful person to society .

  2. 土耳其、埃及和墨西哥希望超越梦想。

    Turkey , Egypt and Mexico want to go beyond imagining .

  3. 让我们用“成就超越梦想”!

    Let 's " Dream Big , and Deliver Bigger "!

  4. 因为它,我告诉你。这些声音穿越云端,超越梦想。

    Because of it , I tell you those voices soared higher and further .

  5. 今天是个值得庆祝的日子,因为在今年,我们秉承“成就超越梦想”的理念,成功地超额完成了董事会下达的各项任务。

    Today is a day for celebrations , because in this year , we are very successful in meeting stretched goals given by Board by our spirit of'Dream Big , Deliver Bigger ! '

  6. 大赛的闭幕不是终点,而是全球中国厨师追求进步,传播食品安全、低碳餐饮、超越梦想的新起点。

    Contest closing is not an end , but the global Chinese chef to pursue progress , spread of food safety , low carbon catering , beyond the dreams of the new starting point .

  7. 超越了对梦想的默默坚持。

    Something beyond the quit persistence of a dream .

  8. 来超越我的梦想。

    To dream out my dreams .

  9. 找深爱这个行业,我很敬重合作过及还没有机会合作的许多人、所以电影学院评委愿意给我这么大的肯定,实在远远超越找的梦想。

    I love the industry so much , I have so much respect for so many people that both I 've had a chance to work with and have yet to have a change to work with , so that for the members of the Academy to have given me such a recognition was beyond my wildest dreams .

  10. 谁人都无法预知,你们将如何超越最大胆的梦想。

    You never know , you may even exceed your wildest dreams .

  11. 让我们超越自己,使梦想成真。

    Please join me in transcending ourselves and making dreams come true .

  12. 超越自我,实现梦想。

    To beyond yourself , to achieve your dream .

  13. 柏拉图和笛卡儿超越怀疑的哲学梦想已经一去不复返了。

    Gone were the dreams of Plato and Descartes of a philosophy beyond doubt .

  14. 从古至今,伟大的事业都是超越前人、超越梦想,开拓创新而得到的;

    Ancient times , a great cause is beyond our predecessors , beyond the dreams of innovation and received ;

  15. 让我们一起奋勇拼搏、超越极限、拥抱梦想、每个人都能为战胜自我而喝彩!

    Let us pushing hard , beyond the limit , to embrace Dream , everyone can applaud themselves for the victory !