
  • 网络note;Quadrant;Vellamo
  1. 例如,在比较常用的基准测试应用Geekbench4上,iPhone8的单核处理器跑分约为4200。

    For instance , on Geekbench 4 , one of the more popular benchmark apps , the iPhone 8 gets a single-core processor score of around 4200 .

  2. 根据AMD官方跑分来看,1800X的单线程成绩与6900K相当而多线程表现更优。

    According to AMD 's benchmarks , the 1800X ties the 6900K on singlethreaded benchmarks , and beats Intel on multithreaded performance .

  3. 实际上,苹果手机现在的性能非常强大,同它最接近的竞争对手不是手机,而是电脑——例如,iPhone处理器的基准跑分堪与苹果最新数款MacBookPro笔记本电脑中一些英特尔芯片的跑分相媲美。

    In fact , Apple 's phones are now so powerful that the closest rivals aren 't phones but computers - for instance , the processor in the iPhone gets benchmarking scores comparable to the Intel chips found in some of Apple 's latest MacBook Pro laptops .

  4. 三星旗舰手机GalaxyS8的Geekbench跑分约为1900,仅相当于iPhone8的一半,其实比去年开售的iPhone7还要慢一些,甚至不如2015年开售的iPhone6S。

    With a Geekbench score of around 1900 , Samsung 's flagship Galaxy S8 is not just half the speed of the iPhone 8 , but it 's actually slower than last year 's iPhone 7 , and even slower than the iPhone 6S , released in 2015 .

  5. 过去几年里,苹果手机的基准跑分一直极高,简直让人觉得他们是不是用上了什么黑魔法。

    For the last few years , Apple 's phones have been producing benchmark scores so high you wonder if they 're powered by some kind of black magic .

  6. 两名运动员直到钟点都跑的不分前后。

    The two sportsmen ran neck and neck until the very end .

  7. 跑过四分之一英里后,他就领先三个马身那么远。

    He led by three lengths after a quarter of a mile .

  8. 1500米跑从6分零3秒提高到5分42秒(p<0.01);

    1500 metre sprint from 6 minutes 3 seconds to 5 minutes 42 seconds ( p < 0.01 );

  9. 其原理是大腿肌肉中储存的糖元仅够维持40分钟左右,这就是为什么运动员会在跑马拉松期间大量摄入糖分,或者在跑完三分之二路程时就体力不支了。

    The rationale is that there is only about 40 minutes of glycogen stored in leg muscles , which is why runners have to keep gulping down sweets during marathons or they end up " hitting the wall " two-thirds of the way through the race .

  10. 为一个分为两个阶段的跑山比赛,分另登上位于大屿山及新界的香港最高的十座山峰。

    " HK Top10 " is a two-stage mountain running race and all racers will reach the10 highest peaks in Hong Kong .

  11. 我身穿白色制服,头绑极具80年代风格的头带,高举光芒四射的青铜火炬,在旁观市民的注视下,骄傲地跑过大约四分之一英里的路程。

    Wearing a white uniform and a very 1980s headband , I jogged proudly past the citizenry , holding the bronze torch and its spluttering chemical flame aloft , for about a quarter of a mile .