
  • 网络improvement of orbit
  1. GPS相位测量轨道改进基线定位

    GPS orbit improvement and relative positioning from the phase observable on baseline

  2. 轨道改进在高精度GPS动态定位中的应用

    Kinematic GPS positioning with orbit improvement

  3. 小行星(43)ARIADNE的摄动计算和轨道改进

    Computations of the perturbations and the orbital corrections of the minor planet ( 43 ) Ariadne

  4. LAGEOS卫星轨道改进的一种简易方法

    A simple method for orbital improvement of LAGEOS

  5. 卫星初轨确定在卫星轨道改进中起着重要作用。

    Initial orbit determination plays an important role in orbit determination .

  6. 轨道改进中计算状态转移矩阵的分析方法

    An analytical method of computing the state transition matrix in orbit determination

  7. 目视双星ADS8630的初轨决定和轨道改进的一种结果

    Establishment and improvement of the initial orbit of the visual binary star ads 8630

  8. 小行星的行星摄动,轨道改进和冲日星历表全部连续的自动计算

    Automatic calculation of planetary perturbations and improvement of orbits and opposition ephemeris of asteroids

  9. 稳健估计在轨道改进中的应用

    A Robust Estimation Method for Orbit Determination

  10. 近地卫星轨道改进

    Orbit Improvement of Near-Earth Satellites

  11. 程序覆盖法在卫星轨道改进程序中的应用

    Application of the Routine Overlay Method to the Retrofit Program of the Orbit of An Artificial Earth Satellite

  12. 本文介绍程序覆盖法在人造卫星轨道改进程序中应用的一个例子。

    In this paper an example is given for the application of the routine overlay method to the retrofit program of the .

  13. 在卫星导航系统中,卫星精密轨道改进和精确预报是影响卫星导航系统性能的重要因素。

    In the satellites navigation system , precision orbit determination and accurate prediction of satellites orbit are important factors that affect the performance of .

  14. 针对匹配识别模糊情况,通过分析比较轨道改进收敛时的根数内符合误差和观测数据的残差,确定最可能的匹配识别结果。

    When the ambiguity of orbit matching happens , the final result can be determined by analyzing and comparing the inner accuracy and the remnants .

  15. 计算结果表明在基线上用轨道改进定位方法是可行的,可以提高定位精度。

    The research results show that the method of the orbit improvement and relative positioning can obtain a better accuracy , we illustrate this technique by processing phase observations of baselines .

  16. 利用多普勒资料进行轨道改进,将遇到卫星信标机和测站接收机的频偏带来的系统差,如何估计各站圈的频偏,是决定定轨精度的一个关键问题。

    Because the systematic errors due to frequency offset of satellite beacon and / or station receiver are included in Doppler data , the key problem of orbit improvement is how to estimate the frequency offset for every passing .

  17. 根据单位矢量法测轨原理,给出了在测角精度比较低或没有测角资料的情况下,利用测距、测速资料进行初轨和轨道改进的计算方法。

    This paper proposes a computation method for initial orbit determination and orbit improvement with ranging and range rate data at low angular measurement accuracy or unavailability of angular measurement data based on the ( Unit-Vector-Method ( UVM )) principle .

  18. 基于轨道匹配和改进的空间目标识别方法

    A Method of Space Object Identification Based on Orbit Matching and Improving

  19. 大型弧形轨道铸件的工艺改进

    Improvement of the Technics of a Big Arc Orbit Casting

  20. 冷轧原料库南侧吊车大车轨道固定方式的改进

    The improvement of crane track located in the south of cold rolling raw material yard

  21. 提出了一种改进的地月转移轨道计算模型,改进模型将月球状态信息直接融入解析模型中,经计算对比证明在模型复杂度没有明显变化的前提下提高了模型计算精度。

    An improved model for translunar trajectory calculation is proposed , which can merge lunar status information directly into the analytical model . Calculations and comparisons show that calculation accuracy can be improved without obvious change of model complexity .

  22. 轨道外推与坐标系转换贯穿于轨道改进和预报整个过程中,直接影响导航电文的精度,因此有必要针对轨道外推和坐标系转换对精密定轨及轨道预报的影响进行研究。

    The navigation systems . Orbit extrapolation and reference frame conversion throughout the entire process of orbit determination and prediction , and is the direct impact on the results of precision .

  23. 结合固定时间单脉冲多圈Lambert交会轨道,应用非最优主矢量理论、非最优轨道改进方法与非线性规划方法,提出了远程多脉冲最优交会策略。

    With the single-impulse multiple-revolution Lambert rendezvous trajectory , the optimal long-distance multiple-impulse rendezvous strategy is proposed by applying the non-optimal primer vector theory , the methods improving non-optimal trajectory and nonlinear programming approach .