
  1. 在分析J2EE的体系结构和技术优势的基础上,讨论了采用B/S架构和基于J2EE技术开发的备品备件管理软件在稳定性、安全性、移植性、扩展性等方面都具备了强大的生命力。

    Based on the analysis of advantage for the architecture and technology of the J2EE enterprise application framework , the software architecture takes the advantage of J2EE architecture and Web / Server architecture is discussed .

  2. 至少根据其市场宣传(资料),谷歌以自己开发的软件的稳定性为荣。

    Google prides itself on the reliability of its software , at least according to its marketing pitch .

  3. 总之,始终要对关心软件功能稳定性和价值的人进行演示。

    Always , always do a demo to people who care about the stability and value of that function .

  4. 为满足软件的稳定性要求,本文设计和实现了各种数据结构,统称为编辑决策列表。

    Kinds of data structures , which are called Editing Decision List ( EDL ), are designed and realized to satisfy the stability of software .

  5. 为确保软件的稳定性,论文还对关键代码进行了单元测试,给出了维护和升级的方法。

    In order to ensure the stability of the software , the paper carries on the unit test of key code , and gives the method of maintenance and upgrading .

  6. 但是,科研机构或实验室所做的车牌识别技术研究,主要侧重于研究测试算法,往往以发表文章为目标,很少能直接应用于实际工程中,软件的稳定性和适用性较差。

    The research institutes mainly focus on testing algorithms or publishing papers , and the systems developed by them are rarely used in real project , and the stability and adaptability are not so good .

  7. 稳定可靠的网络多媒体监控系统需要解决视/音频编解码、网络传输、远端设备控制等技术问题,同时还要考虑系统软件的稳定性和实时性。

    The stability and reliability of network multimedia monitoring system depend on technology such as audio / video encoding / decoding , network transport and equipment remote control . In addition , the software must be stable and real-time .

  8. [方法]运用电子表格Excel软件处理药物稳定性试验数据。

    The data of experiment were treated with microsoft excel .

  9. 电子表格Excel在抗生素效价测定中的应用[方法]运用电子表格Excel软件处理药物稳定性试验数据。用电子表格Excel计算药物溶出度Weibull分布参数

    Application of Microsoft Excel to Data Processing in Determination of Weibull 's Distribution or Drug Dissolution Rate

  10. 编码过程则使用了Android应用开发技术以及交叉编译原理,编码完成之后,进行由单元测试到系统测试的各级测试,以保证该应用软件运行的稳定性以及对平台的兼容性。

    Android application developing skills and cross compile theory was referred when coding . In order to ensure the running stability and platform compatibility of the application , each level of test from unit test to system test was done after coding .

  11. 然后,通过分析现场调查资料对斜坡稳定性进行定性分析并利用GEO-SLOPE软件对斜坡稳定性进行定量计算。

    Finally , the stability of slope is qualitatively analyzed through the analysis of field investigation materials , and the slope stability is calculated quantitatively by GEO-SLOPE software .

  12. 有限元软件在边坡稳定性分析中的应用研究

    Application Research on Slope Stability Analysis with Finite Element Method Software

  13. 注意了容错处理技术的应用,保证了软件系统的稳定性。

    The system applicate Exception-handling technology to guarantee software stability .

  14. 通过骨仿体测量实验,已经验证了骨骼分析软件平台的稳定性和可靠性。

    The experiments of bone phantom measuring have verified that bone analysis software platform is stability and reliability .

  15. 最后对该测试系统的硬件和软件系统的稳定性进行了初步调试和分析。

    Finally , the stability of the hardware and the software of the testing system was analyzed and evaluated .

  16. 自动化构建是团队用以评估当前软件或系统稳定性的第一步。

    An automated build is the first step a team can take toward assessing the stability of their current software or system .

  17. 在此基础上进行了泄漏信号的实验研究,结果表明软件系统的稳定性好,具有较强的信号分析能力以及漏点定位能力。

    On the base of this , the leakage identification on the experimental research shows that the software system has good stability , with strong analytical capabilities , as well as leak point positioning capability .

  18. 在实现的过程中尽量的减低程序复杂度,采用高效的编程技术,以确保软件运行的稳定性和可靠性,同时在软件中预留了扩展接口,以对软件升级和功能扩展。

    To ensure the stability and reliability of the software , the program is designed as simple as possible and efficient programming technology is adopted . Meanwhile , expansion interfaces are also reserved for software upgrading and functions extension .

  19. ADAMS软件在汽车操纵稳定性研究中的应用

    Application of ADAMS software to study of vehicle steering stability

  20. QA经理可能关心特定的目标和与软件质量和过程稳定性相关的问题。

    A QA manager may articulate specific goals and supporting questions around software quality and process stability .

  21. 介绍了拉格朗日元法的原理,以及应用软件FLAC在边坡稳定性分析中的应用。

    This text introduce the principle of the Lagrangian element method and the FLAC applied in analyze the stability of the slope .

  22. 当直接处理TestObjects时,利用它们可以在您的应用软件中引起不稳定性。

    When dealing directly with TestObjects , using them may create instability in your application .

  23. 以Javaswing的形式实现用户界面,采用线程池和多线程技术、JavaSocket技术来处理多个塔机监控终端的连接和通信请求。软件冗余度和稳定性好。

    To use Java Swing to realize user interface , adopting thread pool , multi-threading and Java Socket technology to process a number of network connections and communication requests for the tower crane monitoring terminal which it can get better software redundancy and stability . 5 .

  24. 该软件操作简便、稳定性好,具有一定的工程实用价值。

    This software has convenient operation and good stability and is worth to apply in engineering projects .

  25. 分析了国产变电站自动化系统软件在适应性、稳定性与通用性方面存在的问题。

    The problems with IED in transformer substation automation systems ( SAS ) on adaptability , stability and general use are analyzed .

  26. 为了降低成本,提高软件复用率和稳定性,软件产品通常只能包含大部分用户的通用管理需求。

    In order to reduce costs and improve software reuse rate and stability , Software products usually contain only general management needs of most users .

  27. 通过生产线实际使用证明元件资料库管理系统是一个很好的资料库管理软件,它的稳定性和易用性得到了用户的肯定。

    Component library management system proves to be a good one in the production line , its stability and ease of use have been affirmed by customers .

  28. 国内以前都是用自编软件对摆振稳定性进行分析,这种方法计算精度比较低,结果误差大,而用大型商用软件对摆振进行仿真分析研究还比较少。

    Domestically , the shimmy stability was analyzed by self made program and rarely by big business software and this method always has a lower precision and a large error .

  29. 为克服井壁稳定性多指标综合评价方法的不足,介绍了一种新的分析法&主成分分析法,并编制了用该方法确定井壁稳定性的计算机软件,使井壁稳定性评价科学化、合理化。

    A new model of borehole chemical stability evaluation-principle component analysis method was recommended to overcome the problems of multiple-parameters evaluation and the computer software for evaluating borehole stability was developed .

  30. 在近20个厂家用户设备测试评估工作的实际应用中,证明了该软件的可靠性、稳定性,数据库存储数据的完整性以及评估算法的正确性。

    The reliability and stability of the software , the integrality of the storing data , and the correctness of the estimating algorithm were proved by having used the software in the process of testing user equipments of about 20 manufacturers .