
  • 网络Manage;Software management;software manager;MSM
  1. 在软件管理方面,AIX有两点值得注意。

    But two facets of AIX are worth mentioning with respect to software management .

  2. 软件管理:一方面,用户可以对业务部署需要的软件源以及软件安装需要的License进行集中管理。

    Software Management : on the one hand , users can central manage the software resource and the License required by software installation .

  3. NET技术开发了一套B/S模式的软件管理系统,较完善地解决了检修管理中遇到的诸多问题。

    A B / S module software management system is developed by using Microsoft 's latest . NET technology , thus more perfectly solve the problems encountered in overhaul management .

  4. 管理后台主要为操作人员提供BSS系统软件管理操作的界面。

    The backstage is mainly to provide the interface of software version management system .

  5. 运用软件管理工具,采用软件能力成熟度模型(CMM)的方法对软件开发的各个阶段进行了有效的控制与管理;

    During the whole software development , the software management technology and CMM method are used to manage and control effectively the software progressing .

  6. 现代的高性能计算机体系结构中,为了更有效地实现计算与访存的平衡,优化访存带宽和延迟,越来越多地采用软件管理的多级存储层次来替代硬件管理的多级cache存储层次。

    In modern high performance architecture , to balance the computation and memory access , optimize the memory bandwidth and latency , software-managed memory hierarchy is increasingly used instead of hardware-managed cache hierarchy .

  7. 此外系统还拥有简单实用的软件管理功能。

    In addition , this system has simple and practical software management functions .

  8. 硬件和软件管理服务提供高效运行和操作企业系统所需的能力。

    Hardware and software management services provide the capabilities required to effectively run and operate enterprise systems .

  9. 然后本文对软件管理中的成本/进度的估计和控制问题进行了深入的探讨。

    Then , the issue of estimation and control in the cost and schedule management is researched deeply in this article .

  10. 作者还重点阐述了在作者提出的模型下用密钥管理软件管理密钥的过程和密钥管理软件实现的简单方案。

    Author describe how the key management software manages the key and presents a simple realization of the key management software in detail .

  11. 精确度与准确度之间的区别(在软件管理的上下文中)并不是它们看起来那样小。

    The difference between precision and accuracy ( in the context of software management ) is not as trivial as it may seem .

  12. 对优秀的软件管理者来说,理解精确性与准确性之间的区别是一种基本技能,因为他们必须准确地对投资、风险以及变化带来的影响进行预测。

    Understanding the difference between precision and accuracy is a fundamental skill of good software managers , who must accurately forecast estimates , risks , and the effects of change .

  13. 系统研究了影响大鲵子二代孵化率的环境因子(包括水质、水温、孵化密度)、硬件设施和软件管理技术。

    The study systematically researched on the effect of environment factors such as water quality , water temperature , incubation density as well as incubation facilities and management technique to the hatching rate of the Chinese giant salamander .

  14. 根据功能模块划分在本地设计、运行调试,本文对平台中的船舶进口岸申请模块、船舶预报管理模块和船舶生产动态管理模块进行具体分析,进行软件管理的具体实现。

    According to the function module partition in local design , operation commissioning , the author analyzes and implements the software management of the ship import application module , the shipping forecast management module and the dynamic production management module respectively .

  15. 通过编写上位机软件管理系统可以实现查询中间控制机的工作状态,设定温湿度的报警阀值,实时监测并显示各种温湿度数据,从而实现对多个仓房的统一管理。

    Through the preparation of PC software management system can query the work of the mid-controller . Real-time monitoring and display a variety of temperature and humidity data . The threshold value of environment element setting and then achieves uniform management of several warehouse depots .

  16. 从硬件管理、软件管理、电子资源库管理以及人员管理等几个方面深入论述了高校电子阅览室的管理问题。

    This paper discusses on the problem of the management of the electronic reading room of university library from the management of the hardware , the management of the software , the management of the electronic resource banks , and the management of the personnel , etc.

  17. 介绍了机车中修检修过程中,对检修过程、检修数据、检修信息、检修质量的计算机软件管理系统,较详细地论述了系统的设计、结构、功能、主要特点和系统数据库设计。

    The computer software management system of locomotive medium-term repair , repair process , repair data , repair information and repair quality is introduced in this article which expounded its design , structure , main functional characteristics and design of database of the system in details .

  18. 基于Release开发模型的软件版本管理解决方案

    Solution of Version Management Based on Release Module of Development

  19. IBMRational的软件配置管理(SCM)

    IBM Rational Software Configuration management ( scm )

  20. 用EXCEL软件辅助管理工作实例

    An Example of Auxiliary Management with Software EXCEL

  21. 软件配置管理(SCM&SoftwareConfigurationManagement)是指通过技术及行政手段对大型软件产品的团队开发进行控制、规范的一系列方法、工具和过程。

    Software Configuration Management is a set of methods , tools and processes which control and standardize the parallel development of software products by technical and administerial power .

  22. 文章介绍了根据MVC模式以及当前流行的Web应用程序框架而设计和实现的一个功能较为齐全的软件文档管理系统。

    It introduces a software document management system based on the MVC model and the currently prevalent WEB frame .

  23. 如果正在运行Linux,只要通过使用适用于您分发版的软件包管理器来安装开发软件包。

    If you 're running Linux , simply install the development packages using the package manager appropriate for your distribution .

  24. RationalClearCase是管理各个构件或文件的版本的软件配置管理工具。

    Rational ClearCase is the software configuration management tool that manages versions of individual artifacts or files .

  25. 基于CMM的软件过程管理系统

    Software Process Management System Based on CMM

  26. 大多数Linux发行版都是使用RPM或Debian软件包管理系统构建的。

    Most Linux distributions are built using either the RPM or the Debian package management system .

  27. 网络管理,网络协议,信号处理,Unix的视窗系统,多媒体系统,软件项目管理。

    Network Management , Network Protocols , Signal Processing , Unix Window Systems , Multimedia Systems , Software Project Management .

  28. 首先,通过对实习公司成型的ERP产品架构进行系统分析,文章论述了经研究确定的软件项目管理系统的架构方案。

    Firstly , the author analyzes the framework of the company 's shaped ERP product , and confirms the construct scheme of software project management system .

  29. 从实际工作出发,详细介绍了基于Release模型的版本管理解决方案,对软件配置管理工作的实践具有较强的指导作用。

    According to practice , this paper proposes a solution of version management based on release module of development in detail , which plays a guiding role in practice of version management .

  30. 本文介绍了一些将集成开发环境(integrateddevelopmentenvironment,IDE)和软件配置管理(softwareconfigurationmanagement,SCM)工具集成到GDD环境中的技巧、技术和最佳实践。

    This article presents some of the tips , techniques , and best practices for integrating integrated development environment ( IDE ) and software configuration management ( SCM ) tools in a GDD environment .