
  1. 小波变换在Raman汽油辛烷值测定仪中的应用

    Application of Wavelet Transform in Gasoline Octane Number Analyzer Using Raman Spectroscopy

  2. 将小波变换技术应用到Raman汽油辛烷值测定仪的数据预处理中,减弱荧光背景干扰和高频噪声,提高光谱数据的信噪比。

    In order to reduce the fluorescence and improve the signal-noise ratio of Raman spectra in gasoline , wavelet transform is used in the spectra pre-processing for gasoline octane number analyzer .

  3. 该便携式辛烷值测定仪用3.6V(2Ah)锂电池可连续工作6年。

    This portable instrument of measuring octane number , which uses a 3.6V ( 2A / h ) Lithium cell , can work continuously about 6 years .

  4. 高精度汽油辛烷值测定仪的开发研究

    The Research on Detecting Equipment of the High-Precision Gasoline Octane Number

  5. 基于介电常数法的便携式车用汽油辛烷值测定仪研究

    Study on Portable Instrument in Measuring Octane Value of Gasoline Based on Method of Dielectric Coefficient

  6. 电容计算值和实验结果吻合较好。基于电容法的便携式辛烷值测定仪

    The capacitance calculated using this method is in good agreement with the experimental results . Portable Octane Number Analyzer Based on Capacitance

  7. 基于上述研究成果,并结合实际应用情况,开发研制了汽油辛烷值拉曼测定仪。

    Based on the above research results , a gasoline octane number analyzer using Raman spectroscopy has been developed .