- braid

In other system , there are corresponding sub-facies ( fan-delta plain , its former edge and former fan-delta ) and micro-facies ( braid riverbed , marsh , bayou bars and extensive sand bars ) .
There are three sub-facies ( fan-root , fan-middle , fan - terminal ) and four micro-facies ( channel fills , sheet-flood , braid river bed , marsh and so on ) in the alluvial fan system .
According to the relationship between dip scattering strength and depositional environment , the deposition characteristic and the sand source direction of depression B were analyzed . The depression B is the deposition of a fan delta with braided river course which is controlled by two main rivers .
Braided channel characters in palustrine environment and its identified methods
Flow unit ⅱ is characterized by medium porosity and medium to low permeability reservoir , mainly distributed in braided channels .
The result shows that inefficient and ineffective injection and recovery circulation mainly lies in the deposit of meandering river and braided channel .
The development and stability of tight sand or conglomerate interbed and the shale band are all gradually changing better from the northwest to southeast .
Reservoir properties to different microfacies are different . With regard to reservoir properties , the braid-river channel and subaqueous distributary channel are the best .
Also , with the mid-term datum rising , the braided river channel sand body is thickened , the sand grain size is getting coarser , with sand-shale ratio increasing .
Deep of lake , slope of accessing lake , formed of braided river course , flow change rate and grain size are importance agent that affecting evolution of fan delta .
Because braided river enters into shore and shallow lake phases directly under certain slope with fairly high traction velocity and a suspension ratio , the main backbone phase are rich conglomeratic in nature ;
The sedimentary facies is not control the high gamma sandstone formation . It can form in the delta environment , and also can form in the turbidite fan environment , or in the braided channel .
Facies model was established . It is suggested that braided channel of fan delta plain and underwater channel of fan delta front possess better reservoir quality and entrapment condition , thereby the target for oil and gas exploration in this area .
At the same time , by using wavelet transform time-frequency analysis technique , this paper proposes sedimentary microfacies such as underwater braided channel , mouth bar and beach bar which have different time-frequency characteristics . It boosts the exploration of this area greatly .
Remote Sensing Explanation and Discussion on Genesis of Crevasse Fan in Jingjiang River Sedimentary environment of the fine sandstone main includes the underwater distributary 's channel of delta frontier , braid channel of flood plain in fan-delta , estuary dam , distal bar and crevasse fan .
The long-term base-level rising cycle of sequence-2 is composed of basal braided channel sandstone-conglomerate → meandering stream → delta ;
Sand bodies were provided with good connectedness , coarse granularity , high debris content , low matrix content and good porosity-permeability becoming the most important uranium hosted strata .
Statistics show that medium-grained and fine-grained sandstone are the best lithologic hosts for uranium mineralization . So , uranium deposits generally exist in the lower-middle part of braided distributary channel sand bodies in each vertical sequence unit .
The third member of Shawan Formation was braided-delta plain subfacies , which was divided into braided channel and flood plain .
Braid delta systems mainly consist of braid river deposits in delta plain facies , rapid accumulation deposits , slump deposits and turbidites in delta front and prodelta facies .