
  • Marginal product;【土】marginal yield
  1. 对枣树最佳施肥方案、各肥料的主效应和边际产量效应进行探讨,确定了单独施肥的条件下,各肥料因素的增产效应为:NPK;

    Optimum fertilization scheme , major effects of each fertilizer and marginal yield effects were studied , increment effects of each fertilizer were determined : N P K ;

  2. 计算得到一定肥料用量水平的边际产量。

    The MPP is calculated for a given level of fertilizer use .

  3. 随着工人数量增加,劳动的边际产量递减。

    As the number of workers increases , the marginal product of labor declines .

  4. 降水对玉米产量的影响及边际产量效应分析

    The effect of precipitation on Corn Yield and the analysis of marginal yield dffect

  5. 对钾肥边际产量的估计是正值,而且统计上显然不等于零。

    The estimate of the MPP of potash is positive and statistically different from zero .

  6. 在这种情况下,最高产量产生在两种肥料的边际产量都等于零的时候。

    In this situation , maximum yield occurs when the MPP for both fertilizers are equal to zero .

  7. 同时,容量不足意味着电力公司的电力边际产量将会持续减少20年。

    Meanwhile , the shortage of capacity means that its margin of excess power has been shrinking for 20 years .

  8. 美国国内资本增加,使劳动力的边际产量和边际产量价值增加,引起劳动力需求曲线右移,所以工人工资上涨,工人就业数量增加。

    The increase in capital increases the marginal product of labor and the value of marginal product of labor for any given quantity of labor .

  9. 利用产出弹性和边际产量分析了国债投资对当期经济增长的贡献;

    This paper analyses the contribution of infrastructure invested by national debts on economic growth in the same years with the productive elasticity and marginal product ;

  10. 在最优的雇佣合约中,那些边际产量相对较低的人将成为雇员,因为当他们偷懒时,效率损失相对较小。

    In an optimal employment contract , individuals with relatively low marginal product will become employees because the efficiency loss will be relatively small as they shirk .

  11. 表2又表示在钾的各个用量水平,氮肥用量的变化对钾肥边际产量的影响。

    Table 2 also shows that a change in the level of nitrogen application affects the MPP of potash use for any given level of potash use .

  12. 在这种情况下,为了肥料分配最优化,需要知道所有地区钾肥边际产量的相对大小。

    To determine the optimal allocation of fertilizer in this situation , it is necessary to know the relative size of the MPP of potash in all regions .

  13. 根据田间试验资料,系统地分析了棉花耗水量、产量、边际产量、土壤水分含量、棉花水分利用效率之间的关系。

    Based on the experimental data , the relationships between water consumption , yield , marginal yield , water use efficiency and soil water content are systematically analyzed .

  14. 通过对数学模型的解析,探讨了氮、磷、钾肥的单因子效应、互作效应、边际产量和最佳施肥量。

    Based on the model , the paper analyzed the effect of single factor and interaction of N , P , K , the marginal yield and the optimal fertilizer application .

  15. 移民增加导致劳动力供应增加,引起工资降低。因为和土地和资本结合的劳动力数量增加,使资本和土地的边际产量增加,土地和资本的租金也将增加。

    With more labor working with capital and land , the marginal product of capital and land is higher , so rents earned by owners of land and capital would increase .

  16. 在油田开采中后期,随着油田开发程度的加深,措施作业边际产量递减,措施作业边际费用递增,措施作业增量边际成本递增。

    In the middle-late stages of production , as the deepening of the oil field development , the marginal operation output decrease , the cost increases , and the investment increase , too .

  17. 特别是氮肥用量的增加具有提高钾肥边际产量的作用。

    In particular , an increase in the amount of nitrogen applied has the effect of increasing the MPP of potash . The Making of the Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Bio-fertilizer and Effects on Highland Barly ;

  18. 在石灰性土壤上,莴笋产量与垃圾用量间的关系符合对数模型,其边际产量随垃圾用量增加而减少,与一般肥料效应相似;

    In calcarious soil , the correlations between the refuse application rates and lettuce yield were expressed by logarithmic models perfectly and the marginal yield decreased as the refuse application increased , similar to the effect of fertilizer .

  19. 田间试验结果表明,水稻、小麦产量随着施氮量的增加而增加,但单位氮素的产量、边际产量以及生产弹性系数、产投比均随着施氮量的增加而下降。

    Field experiment results show that yields of rice and wheat increase , but unit nitrogen yield , marginal yield , production elastic coefficient , ratio of output to input value decrease with the increase of nitrogen application amount .

  20. 利用边际产量和边际效用,根据求解方程分别对资源利用效率和产品利用效率进行了影响分析,可以说循环经济系统的减量化运行机制是人类经济活动的科学规律之一。

    The effects on the utilization efficiency of resource and goods are analyzed by use of MP and MU which is based on the solving equations . It is believed that the reduction mechanism of circular economy system is one of scientific laws of human economic activities .

  21. 而在强酸性土壤上,莴笋产量与垃圾用量间的关系可用抛物线模型模拟,在试验用量范围内,其边际产量随垃圾用量的增加而增加,显著高于一般肥料效应。

    In the strong acid soil , however , the correlation can be expressed by parabola model perfectly and the marginal yields increased with the refuse application within the range of the refuse application rates used in the experiment , significant above the effect of general fertilizer .

  22. 在完全竞争市场条件下,竞争均衡可实现帕累托最优效率。垄断市场一般很难提供价格等于边际成本的产量水平,其产量与价格选择对社会来说不是最优的。

    Under perfect competitive market the competitive equilibrium may realize Pareto efficiency , but it is difficult for monopolistic market to provide the level of output at which price equals marginal cost , therefore , the output and price it chooses are not optimal to a society .

  23. 本文讨论在供应商和销售商的边际成本都随产量递增的情况下,回购契约是如何协调供应链的。

    To perishable products monopolization supply chain , a lot of supplier adopt buy-back contract and return policy , so it i.

  24. 具体地说,我说明了边际报酬递减就是边际产量随着肥料用量的增加而递减。

    More specifically , I showed that diminishing marginal returns is equivalent to a marginal physical product ( MPP ) that declines with increases in the level of fertilizer that is used .

  25. 无累进递增负荷与有累进递增负荷测定无氧阈结果的对比研究具体地说,我说明了边际报酬递减就是边际产量随着肥料用量的增加而递减。

    A comparative study of AT determination in running with progressive and unprogressive increasing loads ; More specifically , I showed that diminishing marginal returns is equivalent to a marginal physical product ( MPP ) that declines with increases in the level of fertilizer that is used .

  26. 在油气田开发生产过程中,加密调整井边际效益变化规律遵循加密井边际产量递减规律、加密井边际成本变化规律和加密井效益变化规律。

    In the process of oil and gas field development , the changing laws of infill-adjusting well marginal efficiency follows the laws of its marginal production decline , marginal cost changing and efficiency changing .

  27. 所有品系(种)单株有效穗数均表现为正向边际效应,千粒重总体上表现为负向边际效应,其他产量性状的边际效应的方向与具体品种有关。

    The trait of panicles per plant of all strains were showed positive marginal effect , nevertheless , the 1000-grain-weight showed negative marginal effect . There are obviously marginal effect and significant difference among the varieties for the yield per plant .