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  • 网络Dutch;Darch;Ducky;Kelsey Darch
  1. 凯尔西的爸爸陶德•达奇(ToddDarch)说,给女儿一辆车,一方面自己可以减少开车,另一方面是“对好分数和好行为的奖励”。

    Todd Darch , Kelsey 's father , says that getting his daughter a car means less driving for him as well as'a reward for good grades and good behavior . '

  2. 狼群“达奇”(Dutch)正从公园内一个遗弃的住宅中将瓷片、空罐头盒、锅、铁制工具碎片往外拖。

    The Dutch pack has dragged in ceramic shards , cans , pots , pieces of iron tools from abandoned homesteads in the park .

  3. 本周早些时候,欧盟农业专员达奇安Ciolos建议农场二亿二千万美元的援助。

    Earlier this week , EU Farm Commissioner Dacian Ciolos proposed farm aid of two hundred twenty million dollars .

  4. 霍达奇是首批进行登记的游说者之一。

    Mr hodac was among the first to sign the registry .

  5. 在霍达奇策划的全方位活动之下,欧洲制造商的关切占了上风。

    With Mr hodac orchestrating a multifaceted campaign , their concerns have carried the day .

  6. 霍达奇在布拉格长大,他并非一开始就立志要当游说者。

    Growing up in Prague , Mr hodac did not set out to become a lobbyist .

  7. 环保组织深感愤怒,但霍达奇辩称,对于一个身陷困境、没有多少资金投入研发的行业来说,这个折衷办法合情合理。

    Environmental groups were furious but Mr hodac argues that it was a reasonable compromise for an industry on its knees and with little cash for research and development .

  8. 达奇自告奋勇开车送女朋友的儿子从佐治亚的寄宿学校回到芝加哥的家里过感恩节,丝毫没料到会变成一出流浪汉冒险记。

    Volunteering to drive his girl friend 's son home for Thanksgiving to Chicago from his boarding school in Georgia , little does Dutch expect the picaresque adventures in store for him .

  9. 道尔(伊森·恩布里饰)在感恩节被爸爸抛弃,妈妈让她的新男朋友达奇(艾德·奥尼尔饰)去寄宿学校接他。

    When Doyle ( Ethan Embry ) is ditched by his dad on Thanksgiving , his mother sends her new boyfriend , Dutch ( Ed O'Neill ) , to pick him up at boarding school .

  10. 纳迪克物理实验室的研究人员七年来一直在研究一种技术,它能结合化学和天然防腐剂锁住水分并阻止细菌和霉菌生长。现在他们终于能成功地研制出了能够使三明治保鲜五年的方法。杰拉德·达奇

    For seven years , researchers here at Natick Labs have been trying to develop the technology that uses chemical and natural s to lock moisture in place and stop bacteria and mold from growing . Well , finally they found a way to keep a sandwich fresh for up to five years .