
  • 网络Continuity Theory;Continue Theory;Continuity Theoty;Continuitytheory
  1. 采用连续性理论结合外加颗粒在离心力场中运动规律,基于柱坐标系建立了离心力场中外加颗粒分布的数学模型。

    The numerical modeling of the particle distribution in the centrifugal force field was established by using continuity theory and the moving law of particle .

  2. 本文在Child-Langmuir鞘层模型理论和电流连续性理论的基础上,推导建立了一个用于表述射频等离子体系统中的这种非对称型微弧放电现象的解析模型。

    This model is simply based on the time-dependent Child-Langmuir sheath model and the current continuity equation .

  3. 实数连续性理论在平面几何上的应用

    An Application of the Theory of Real Number 's Continuity in Plane Geometry

  4. 实数的连续性理论是构筑极限理论的重要基础;

    The theories of real continuity lead to the fundamental basis of limit theory .

  5. 约占整个通道的三分之二内的区域内,溶液朝着与连续性理论预测的相反方向流动,出现了反转电渗流。

    It is also found that the electroosmotic flow is in the opposite direction to that predicted by the classical continuum theory .

  6. 根据河流生态系统整体性和连续性理论,分析了河流生态径流应具备的特征。

    According to river ecosystem integrity and continuum theory , the characteristic that the ecological instream flow requirements should possess have been analyzed .

  7. 由于岩体中的结构面主导着岩石边坡的破坏机理,因此基于连续性理论的分析方法在分析岩石边坡的变形特征具有相当的局限性。

    Where a rock slope comprises multiple joint sets , which control the mechanism of failure , continuum modeling is not so best suited for the displacement analysis of slopes .

  8. 在非静态四点法收敛和连续性理论的基础上,通过使细分曲面的面积目标函数极小,反求出所需的参数值,从而细分得到光顺的极小曲面。

    Based on the convergence and continuity theories of the non-stationary 4-point interpolation subdivision algorithm , the solution of the object function associated with surface area is calculated as the free parameter in the subdivision algorithm , and then we obtain the needed fairing minimal surface .

  9. 感性金属杆加载矩形波导的非连续性的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Discontinuity ofa Rectangular Waveguide Inductively Loaded by a Metal Post

  10. 关于粗糙函数模型及粗糙连续性等相关理论和应用的完善是一个亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , the completeness of related theory and applications about rough function model and the rough continuity is badly needed .

  11. 血管损害是全身性的和连续性的,理论上讲其他器官和组织都会存在不同程度的受累。

    Vascular damage is systemic , so all the organs and tissues in the body will be involved in different degrees in theory .

  12. 本文是一篇关于我国农村基本医疗服务网络中的纵向连续性服务质量理论建立和评价的论作。

    This paper is mainly about the theory building and evaluation of the Quality Chain of Vertical Continuity of Care in Basic Medical Service net in China .

  13. 运行速度的连续与均衡性理论以及界限均衡速度的概念,使设计阶段的道路安全评价或识别成为可能,解决了已有的评价或识别方法依赖于交通事故历史数据的弊病。

    Continuity and equilibrium theory of running velocity and the concept to define equilibrium velocity makes it possible to identify the dangers and assess the safety of road in design phase ; this technique solves the shortage of current assessing methods that depend on traffic accident data .

  14. 营销组合理论的具有连续性。新旧组合理论不是相互替代而是相互补充和完善。

    Marketing mix theories have undergone a continuous history , in which they got mutually complemented and perfected .

  15. 对这三种方案的补偿有效性和连续性分别进行了理论研究,结果表明:补偿后,三种方案均能使偏振耦合分光系统对返回信标光的接收效率达到90%以上;

    The validity and continuity of these three solutions is numerically simulated , and the results show that all of them can make the receiving efficiency be better than 90 % after compensation .

  16. 论文简述了利用流体连续性方程和网络理论求解通风系统内冷却空气的流动问题的基本原理和利用有限元分析法进行水轮发电机定子、转子三维温度场计算的基本原理。

    This thesis gives a brief introduction of the basic principle for calculating cooling air flow by liquid continuity equation and net theory , and the basic principle of calculating the three-dimensional temperature field in stator and rotor of hydro-generators using finite element method .

  17. 本文研究了膜厚减薄工艺对薄膜连续性的影响,用XRD观察物相,SEM、TEM研究薄膜连续性,并给出理论解释。

    The effects of forming condition on the continuity of PtSi film are studied in this article , The continuity of film is investigated by SEM and TEM , and the phase of PtSi film by XRD . The theoretical explanation is also given .