
  • 网络Reverse drag
  1. 过去人们把逆牵引褶皱和滚动褶皱混为一体,造成一定程度的混乱。

    People mixed reverse drag fold with rollover fold together in the past . It caused a confusion to a certain degree .

  2. 分析了张性走滑与压性走滑、正牵引与逆牵引、走滑断层与火成岩活动的关系。

    The relation between tensional and compressive shove , normal and reverse drag , shove fault and the action of igneous rocks are analyzed .

  3. 生长断层下降盘的逆牵引背斜,在我国东部油田广泛发育,是一种重要的油气圈闭类型。

    Reverse draging anticlines are well developed in oil fields in eastern china , they are a kind of important hydrocarbon traps .

  4. 大断层及与之伴生的次级断层的活动时期、活动强度、断距、断至层位、断至深度和断层间距等控制了上第三系油气运移和逆牵引型构造内油气富集程度。

    The HC migration and richness in rollover anticline are controlled by the active period , offset , formation and depth of major and secondary faults .

  5. 根据研究区油气藏形成的主导因素,可确定出反向屋脊断块油气藏、逆牵引油气藏等九种油气藏类型,它们具有各自的展布特征和含油气性。

    In the light of the major controlling factors of pool formation , 9 types of pools which possess specific distribution features and oil-bearing strata are identified .

  6. 伸展盆地生长断层上盘的断鼻型圈闭与逆牵引背斜型圈闭一样是油气勘探的主要目标。

    The reverse drag anticline traps and the nose shaped high trap in the hanging wall of growth fault in extensional basin are the major targets in oil and gas exploration .

  7. 其中,与张性正断层相关的伸展型褶皱分布范围最广,可进一步划分为牵引褶皱、逆牵引褶皱、滚动褶皱、翘倾褶皱、补偿性挤压背斜和断层-位移褶皱;

    The extensional folds related to normal faults are distributed most widely , which can be further divided into drag folds , reverse-drag folds , rolled folds , compensation squeezed anticlines and fault-displacement folds ;

  8. 正断层断面样式可分为平面式、犁式和坡坪式,与不同断面样式相伴生的褶皱有牵引褶皱、逆牵引褶皱、滚动褶皱和复合褶皱。

    Normal fault plane pattern can be divided into planing , listric and sloping style . The folds associated with different fault plane pattern are drag fold , reverse drag fold , rollover fold and complex fold .

  9. 根据褶皱的形成机制,这两种褶皱又可进一步分为牵引褶皱、逆牵引褶皱、滚动褶皱、翘倾式背斜、断层位移褶皱、断线转向褶皱以及叠加形成的各种复式褶皱。

    Depending on the difference in fundamental mechanism , the folds can be further classified into drag folds , reverse drag folds , rollover folds ( rollover anticlines ), tilting folds , fault displacement folds , fault line deflection folds and other types of superimposed folds .

  10. 潜山圈闭是基底断层活动的结果。对某一圈闭而言,往往具有复合成因,但圈闭的形成机制中,与盆地发育构造背景相一致的逆冲牵引背斜形成机制起主导作用。

    The mechanism is that the thrust-drag anticline in accordance with tectonic setting plays the key role and most efficient traps are formed by fault processes .

  11. 滚板构造、冲起构造和铲形逆断层与牵引背斜、牵引向斜组合对油气的聚集最为有利。

    Trap door structure , pop up structure , and assemblage of listric thrust , dragged anticline and dragged syncline are most favorable to the accumulation of oil and gas .