
  • 网络commuter
  1. 我们住在通勤者居住带。

    We live in the commuter belt .

  2. ATIS环境下通勤者逐日出行路径更换行为仿真

    Simulation of commuter day-to-day dynamic route switching behavior under ATIS information

  3. 惊恐万分的通勤者们看见那辆卡车突然冲向高速公路另一侧,接着翻倒在地。

    Horrified commuters saw the lorry veer across the motorway and overturn .

  4. 火车延误对通勤者的旅途造成了严重的连带影响。

    The train delay has caused a severe knock-on effect on the commuters ' journeys .

  5. 此外,火车上无线网络服务和手机的广泛普及也延长了人们的日常工作时间。这项研究对五千名每天乘火车去伦敦上班的通勤者进行了调查,随之提出了一个问题:工作日究竟从何时开始?

    The study of 5000 commuters travelling by train into London each day raises the question of when the working day really begins .

  6. 美国人口普查局(Census)数据显示,单独开车上下班的通勤者占75%以上。

    More than 75 % of commuters travel alone by car , Census data show .

  7. 该研究发现54%的通勤者使用火车的Wi-Fi发送工作电子邮件。

    The study found that 54 % of commuters using the train 's wi-fi were sending work emails .

  8. 研究人员表示,其他人会使用3G或4G移动数据收发工作邮件。从研究人员与通勤者的交谈中可以得知,网络接入对通勤者和商务旅客来说同等重要。

    According to the researchers , others used their 3G or 4G mobile data connections for the task . Interviews with commuters by the researchers revealed that internet access was as important for commuters as it was for business travellers .

  9. 我想让我的团队明白通勤者的感受。

    I wanted our team to understand what commuters were experiencing .

  10. 顾客当中许多是旅客,其他人则是通勤者。

    Many of those customers are tourists , others are commuters .

  11. 巴黎的通勤者们这周末可以免费乘车。

    And commuters in Paris are getting free rides this weekend .

  12. 但并非所有人都愿意成为骑车通勤者。

    But not everyone is interested in becoming a bike commuter .

  13. 去年,美国通勤者在路上等待的时间平均为50小时。

    The average American commuter spent 50hours in traffic last year .

  14. 近一个世纪以来,交通通勤者好像噩梦般摸索着这个地铁站。

    For almost a century , commuters groped through this transit nightmare .

  15. 但是,现在这里出现了一群快乐的通勤者。

    Now , however , there lives one group of happy commuters .

  16. 6.报道中对乘渡船上班的通勤者做了哪些介绍?

    Question 6.What does the speaker say about ferry commuters ?

  17. 铁路员工罢工对所有通勤者来说都是一个问题。

    The rail strike is a problem for all commuters .

  18. 城市必须是生活和工作、家庭和通勤者的混合体。

    Cities need to mix living and working , families and commuters .

  19. 面向多智能体的出行前信息下通勤者出行行为研究

    Research on Commuter 's Travel Behavior Faced to Multi-agent Under Pre-trip Information

  20. 数百位通勤者拥进了火车。

    Hundreds of commuters are squashing into the train .

  21. 时下的通勤者认为交通阻塞是理所当然的。

    Nowadays , commuters take traffic jams for granted .

  22. 在均衡状态,没有通勤者会选择在最早或最迟出发时间出行;

    At equilibrium , no user starts on the latest or earliest departure time .

  23. 不过某些城市中的通勤者和其他旅行者已经在经历着巨大的财务痛苦。

    But commuters and other travellers already suffer great financial pain in some cities .

  24. 这就是跨境通勤者的生活。

    Welcome to the world of cross-border commuting .

  25. 运送通勤者上下班的火车

    A train carrying commuters to and from work

  26. 7.关于渡船的未来调整计划通勤者有何反应?

    Question 7.How do commuters respond to plans for the future of the ferry ?

  27. 731.我尖锐和坚决地反驳了对无声的(沉默的)通勤者的残忍的迫害。

    731 . I acutely and resolutely refuted the brutal persecution of mute commuter .

  28. 很有可能,你要避免与任何通勤者或病人接触。

    Chances are , you probably avoided engaging with any fellow commuters or patients .

  29. 5.开车上班的通勤者对金门大桥上的行程有何感觉?

    Question 5.How do commuters feel about crossing the Golden Gate Bridge by car ?

  30. 短途驾驶的通勤者或购物者可以在计量供电的站点停车充电。

    Short-distance commuters driving or shopping may be in the measurement site powered parking charge .