
tōnɡ xínɡ nénɡ lì
  • traffic capacity
  1. 基于Erlang分布的环形交叉路口通行能力的研究

    The Study of the Traffic Capacity of the Circular Intersections Based on Erlang Distribution

  2. 在无信号T型交叉口主路车流车头时距服从改进后的M3分布的条件下,建立了支路3种车型混合车流的通行能力模型。

    When the flow of the major lane of unsignalized T-intersection follows improved M3 distribution , the traffic capacity model of mixed flow at minor lane was developed .

  3. 制约驾车出行量的将会是那些道路的通行能力。

    It 's the capacity of those roads which is going to constrain the amount of travel by car that can take place .

  4. 基于BP神经网络技术的路段实际通行能力

    The Road Section Actual Capacity Based on the BP Neural Network

  5. 根据提出的交叉口通行能力分析方法,运用VISUALBASIC编程语言编制了应用软件,用以分析典型交叉口的通行能力情况。

    These structures the foundation for the simulation software works . According to the practical model , with the Visual Basic programming language , the application software is designed to analyze capacity of typical intersection in the urban road network .

  6. 结果表明,插车间隙为3s时,道路的通行能力、司乘人员舒适度、车流、加速度以及车流稳态等方面均能达到最优。

    It is concluded that the road capacity , traveling comfort , vehicle acceleration and flow stability are satisfied when the headway is 3 s.

  7. 将OD交通量和路段通行能力作为离散随机变量,基于用户平衡分配模型,用近似算法求解行程时间可靠性。

    OD demands and link capacities are treated as discrete random variables . Based on user-equilibrium traffic assignment model , an approximating algorithm is used to estimate the travel time reliability .

  8. 以HCM手册推荐的信号交叉口通行能力与延误模型为基准,在对西安市小寨十字信号交叉口进行实际交通调查的基础上,运行分析了该交叉口每车道组的通行能力和服务水平。

    Based on traffic capacity and delaying models of signalized intersection recommended in HCM manual as the datum and the detail traffic research to xiao'zhai signalized intersection of xi'an city , the traffic capacity and service level of every lane group in the intersection are analysied .

  9. 介绍了国内外研究平面信号交叉口通行能力的常用方法,重点分析我国《城市道路设计规范》关于研究信号交叉口通行能力的推荐方法和美国HCM关于研究信号交叉口平均停车延误的方法。

    Several common methods to study traffic capacity of signalized intersection both at home and abroad are introduced . Especially the methods to study traffic capacity recommended in City Road Design Standard of China and the average delay of vehicles put forward in HCM of America are mainly analyzed .

  10. 城市道路平面交叉口通行能力的综合计算

    Integrative Calculation of Traffic Capacity on Grade Crossing of City Road

  11. 山区二级公路的通行能力计算

    Traffic capacity calculation of the second level road in mountain area

  12. 基于可变跟驰时间和随机因素的通行能力理论计算模型

    Theoretic capacity model considering with variable following time and random factors

  13. 提高高速公路车辆通行能力的方略与措施

    Strategies and Measures for Improving the Traffic Capacity of Expressway Vehicles

  14. 模拟方法在主路优先交叉口通行能力中的应用

    Simulation Method Applied in the Traffic Capacity of a Priority Intersection

  15. 提升高速公路通行能力之捷径&组合式联网收费系统

    The Shortcut of Improving Expressway Traffic Capacity & Compound ETC System

  16. 用遗传算法求解考虑通行能力约束的运输网络均衡问题

    Genetic Algorithms for Solving Transportation Network Equilibrium Problems with Capacity Constraints

  17. 梁桥体系重载车辆通行能力研究

    Investigation Research on Traffic Ability of Over-Loading Vehicles in Girder Bridge

  18. 公交站台停靠区的排队问题决定了公交车辆的通行能力。

    The queuing problem in bus stops determines the vehicle capacity .

  19. 双车道过境公路的通行能力分析

    The Analysis on the Traffic Capacity of Double Lane Through-Traffic Highway

  20. 信号交叉口左转待行区设置参数和通行能力研究

    Study on the Parameters and Capacity of Left-turn Waiting Area Intersection

  21. 快速路出口通行能力的可靠性仿真研究

    Simulation Study on the Road Capacity Reliability of Thruway with Exit

  22. 最后提出三种措施以改善通行能力。

    Finally , there are three measures to improve the capacity .

  23. 影响城市道路通行能力因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Influencing on Traffic Capacity of Urban Road

  24. 道路入口匝道连接处通行能力计算模型

    Calculating model for the capacity of the junction at on-ramps

  25. 单向交通条件下交叉口通行能力分析与仿真

    Analysis and Simulation of Intersection Capacity in One-way Road Traffic

  26. 研究了环形交叉口通行能力与服务水平。

    The capacity and the levels of service of roundabout are studied .

  27. 城市信号控制交叉口右转专用车道通行能力分析

    A study on the capacity of exclusive right-turn lanes of at-grade intersections

  28. 计算机模拟在双车道道路通行能力研究中的应用

    Application of computer simulation to the research on two-path highway traffic capacity

  29. 现代步行商业街设计行人过街道通行能力的探讨

    The Design of Pedestrian Mall On the Pedestrian Crosswalk Capacity

  30. 总结了信号交叉口通行能力的计算方法,结合左转待行区的设置,对普通的通行能力的计算方法进行了修正。

    The traffic capacity calculation methods for the signalized intersection were summarized .