
tōnɡ xùn wèi xīnɡ
  • communication satellite
  1. STW试验通讯卫星远地点发动机真空总冲测试技术

    The measuring technology on vacuum total impulse of the apogee booster for STW experimental communication satellite

  2. 通讯卫星、通讯线路等

    A communication satellite , link , etc

  3. 2009年,一艘老旧的俄罗斯飞船撞上了一颗通讯卫星,产生了数百片碎片,给其他空中设备造成了危险。

    In 2009 an old Russian craft slammed into a communications satellite , creating a cloud of hundreds of pieces of debris and putting other hardware at risk .

  4. 通过通讯卫星系统(SCS)传输信息,即遥信(RI)。

    Satellite Communication System ( SCS ) transmits the information .

  5. 我首次接触高可用性(HA)是在20世纪80年代,当时在从事商业对地同步通讯卫星方面的工作。

    My first exposure to high availability ( HA ) was in the 1980s , working on a commercial geosynchronous communications satellite .

  6. 文章研究了通讯卫星真空热试验时高功率射频RF的吸收冷却措施及安全策略,即通过RF负载及冷媒,将入射的电磁波能量转化为其它形式的能量(主要是热能)而损耗掉。

    This paper introduces the RF absorbing and cooling system , and safety policy , namely by RF load , the energy of incident electromagnetic wave could be turned into other types of energy and dissipated .

  7. MBS由互联网基站服务器和通讯卫星及2个地面站组成。

    The MBS is a developing system for internet broadband services and consists of a communications satellite and two earth stations , which were installed on the ship and land .

  8. 美国战略司令部的空军上校拉斯-科迪里克声称,相撞事故发生于本周二,地点位于俄罗斯北极北部地区上空,相撞卫星为美国LLC铱星公司发射的一颗卫星与俄罗斯的一颗通讯卫星。

    The crash , which took place on Tuesday above Russia 's Arctic north , involved a spacecraft of Iridium Satellite LLC and a Russian communications satellite , said Air Force Colonel Les Kodlick of the U.

  9. 例如,印度把它的印度遥感卫星系统(IRS)设计用于土地使用监测和生态监测与INSAT(印度国家卫星系统)通讯卫星结合了起来。

    Indian Remote Sensing satellite system ( IRS ) designed for land use and ecological monitoring with the INSAT ( Indian National Satellite System ) communications satellites .

  10. 它分别安装在船上和陆地上,使用通讯卫星JCSAT-1B(日本通讯卫星),它能提供比InmarsatFleet77更快的信号传输服务。实时监视系统软件是新开发的原创软件。

    The communications satellite is JCSAT-1B that can provide faster transmission services than INMARSAT Fleet 77 . A software system for real-time remote monitoring was developed as a prototype .

  11. 朝鲜计划在今日与下周三之间从舞水瑞里(musudanri)发射场发射一枚洲际弹道导弹,朝鲜政府称,火箭将携带一颗通讯卫星进入太空。

    North Korea plans to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile which Pyongyang says will carry a communications satellite into space from musudanri between today and Wednesday .

  12. 通讯卫星在国与国之间转发消息和讯号。

    Communications satellites relay messages and signals from country to country .

  13. 通讯卫星在很多方面对人类有很大的帮助。

    Communications satellite helps the human a lot in many ways .

  14. 比如,通讯卫星有一个对地静止轨道。

    Communications satellites , for example , have a geostationary orbit .

  15. 通讯卫星使国际间实况转播重要事件成为可能。

    Communications satellites have made possible international live transmission of important events .

  16. 这枚韩国航天运载器将把一枚通讯卫星送入地球低轨轨道。

    It will carry a communications satellite into low-earth orbit .

  17. 澳大利亚人正想购买一套通讯卫星系统。

    The Australians are in the market for a communications satellite system .

  18. 我国已将通讯卫星用于实况转播。

    Communication satellites have already been used for living transmission in our country .

  19. 通讯卫星已经发送信号给海岸警卫。

    The coast guards have been alerted by satellite .

  20. 1962年的今天,世界上首个通讯卫星&“通讯星”发射升天进入轨道。

    1962-Telstar , the world 's first communications satellite , is launched into orbit .

  21. 航天飞机将一颗通讯卫星送入轨道。

    The space shuttle orbited a communications satellite .

  22. 近些年来,很多通讯卫星被送上轨道。

    In recent years a number of communications satellites have been put into orbit .

  23. 据潘院士透露,量子通讯卫星的装配工作已经完成了。

    According to Pan , the assembly of the quantum satellite has already been completed .

  24. 你们的通讯卫星怎么样了?

    What about your communication satellites ?

  25. 通讯卫星从1970年代开始在日常生活与全球通讯上扮演重要的角色。

    Communications satellites have been a significant part of domestic and global communications since the 1970s .

  26. 它发展了跨洋无线电电话联系和电话缆线系统,并开创了通讯卫星系统。

    It developed transoceanic radiotelephone links and telephone cable systems and created the Telstar satellite communications system .

  27. 人们正把同样的系统用来与目前绕地球飞行的通讯卫星保持联系。

    A similar system is used to contact the communications satellites that now continually encircle the earth .

  28. 他也是一位真正的科学家,曾在1945一篇文章里提出了通讯卫星。

    He was also a real scientist who , in a 1945 article , proposed communications satellites .

  29. 这样的一个动作这将有效的预防太空垃圾与通讯卫星或者国际空间站发生撞击。

    The gentle movement would stop them from taking out communications satellites or hitting the International Space Station .

  30. 长官,残骸碎片正朝我们通讯卫星飞过来,撞击也许会切断和地面部队的通讯。

    Sir , debris heading towards our con satellite , impact may cut off communication with ground forces .