
  1. 不要再去追那些男生,我们去逛街吧。

    Let 's stop chasing those boys and shop some more .

  2. 我们去逛街吧,我知道所有购物的好去处。

    Let 's go shopping together , I know all the best places .

  3. 所以我想我们去逛街吧,放松一下。

    so I was thinking we could go shopping , have some fun .

  4. 宝贝儿,是你假装腿疼不想和我逛街吧?

    Darling , my leg hurts , I can 't accompany you to the mall .

  5. 我现自由自在的,让我们花一整天逛街购物吧。

    I 'm free and easy , let 's go shopping all day .