
  • 网络deontic logic
  1. 现在人们广泛使用的是SDL系统(标准道义逻辑系统),但SDL系统都受到一系列悖论的困扰,其中最让逻辑学家头痛的就是CTD悖论。

    Now what the people widely use is the SDL system ( standard deontic logic system ), but the SDL system receives a series of paradoxes , in which most lets the logician headache is the CTD paradox .

  2. 逻辑,道义逻辑是道德的逻辑。

    Logic that , deontic logic is the logic of morality .

  3. 本文在分析一元道义逻辑OAP系统的基础上,分析探讨道义悖论,并提出自己解决悖论的初步设想。

    This paper analysises and discusses the deontic paradoxes based on the brief introduction of the monistic deontic logic and dualistic deontic logic , and puts forward the author 's own initiatory thinking .

  4. 探析道义逻辑的哲学渊源

    A Probe and an Analysis into Philosophic Origins of Moral Logic

  5. 标准道义逻辑产生反义务悖论。

    Standard deontic logic was developed from contrary-to - duty paradox .

  6. 道义逻辑、行动逻辑和规范逻辑

    On Deontic Logic , Action Logic and Logic about Norms

  7. 道义逻辑的思想最早可上溯至亚里士多德。

    We can push the idea on deontic logic back to Aristotle .

  8. 论道义逻辑系统的归约及其相关问题

    On the Reduction of Deontic Logic and the Interrelated Problems

  9. 道义逻辑是哲学逻辑的最重要领域。

    Deontic logic is the most important of all the philosophical fields .

  10. 道义逻辑,这是个前沿问题。

    Deontic logic , now this is cutting edge stuff .

  11. 道义逻辑D&系统的一种布尔值模型

    On A Boolean - Valued Model of the Deontic Logical D - System

  12. 这些系统虽然有漂亮的完全性,但都含有一些道义逻辑悖论。

    Although these systems have perfect completeness , they all contain deontic logic paradoxes .

  13. 我们队道义逻辑知之甚少。

    We know very little of deontic logic .

  14. 于是道义逻辑便是一种以行动逻辑为基础的动态逻辑。

    Then deontic logic became a theory of dynamic logic based on action logic .

  15. 道义逻辑研究中值得注意的问题

    Noticeable Problems in Researches on Moral Logic

  16. 行动、断言、事件和主体&动态道义逻辑的几个基本概念

    Action 、 Assertion 、 Event and Actor & Some Basic Conceptions in Dynamic Deontic Logic

  17. 二元道义逻辑研究试论《中庸》思想体系的逻辑建构

    A Tentative Approach to the Logic Construction of the Ideological System of " Golden Mean " Doctrine

  18. 20世纪50年代由冯赖特创建的道义逻辑,首先是作为行动名称的逻辑而建立的。

    Deontic logic established by Von Wright in 1950 's is firstly named as logic about action name .

  19. 在知识表达领域,在多智能主体系统领域都可以看到道义逻辑在发挥作用。

    In such domains about knowledge-representation and Multi-Agent Systems we can observe that deontic logic is producing some influences .

  20. 理论型道德悖论有道义逻辑悖论和伦理悖论;知行型道德悖论则称为德行悖论。

    Theoretical moral paradox has just logical paradox and ethical paradox while practical moral paradox is called behavioral paradox .

  21. 承诺悖论的两个公式是绝对道义逻辑系统的特征公式。

    The two formulae embodying the paradox of commitment are the characteristic ones of the systems of monadic deontic logic .

  22. 他1951年创建的现代道义逻辑系统把所处理的主要客体对象看作是行动的名称。

    Deontic logic system created by GH . von Wright in 1951 took names of actions as its study object .

  23. 本文主要分为三个部分:一、道义逻辑综述。

    The main content of the essay be divided into three sections : The first section : Summary of deontic logic .

  24. 此后,人们基于道义逻辑中所出现的悖论而不断改造系统,不断地扩展和深化对道义逻辑的研究。

    From then , based on its paradoxes , philosophers have been extending and deepening its research , and remolding its system .

  25. 道义逻辑不是因为实际应用而产生,它不能够即时的被法律逻辑所应用并不表明它毫无作用;

    It is not applied in some actual domain immediately , which does not show that deontic logic has no application value .

  26. 1951年芬兰逻辑学家冯·赖特发表了经典性论文《道义逻辑》,标志着现代道义逻辑的诞生。

    Finn logician Von Wright published the classical essay Deontic Logic in 1951 , which marked that modern deontic logic came into being .

  27. 借助于摹状词逻辑、道义逻辑、量词逻辑、模态逻辑等现代语言逻辑的有关规律、规则、方法,人们可以在一定程度上消除对法典的歧解。

    By aid of related laws , rules and methods in modern language logic , people can avoid some ambiguities in interpreting code .

  28. 道义逻辑的发展不仅能丰富哲学逻辑的内容,而且也有助于拓宽逻辑学研究的领域。

    The development of deontic will only enrich content of philosophical logics , but also is helpful for broadening the fields of logics .

  29. 道义逻辑的经典系统是关于行动的逻辑.这种逻辑发展的新思路是在其系统中引入主体和场合概念;

    Classic system of deontic logic is a logic about action whose new development will introduce agent concept and occas-sion concept in this system ;

  30. 价值命题的认同产生各种各样的社会规范,逻辑学家对规范和规范命题的研究形成了规范逻辑(道义逻辑)。

    Various social norms occurred in agreement with value propositions . Logicians formed deontic logic or normal logic by studying these norms and normal proposition .