
  1. 院方表示,如果“口袋妖怪”游戏对周围的环境造成较大困扰,它会让任天堂用GPS确定虚拟道馆的所在地,把道馆从现在的地址挪走。

    It said if Pokemon Go becomes a major nuisance it would ask Nintendo - which decides on the locations of the virtual gyms according using GPS - to have it removed from the premises .

  2. 这是第一起针对《PokemonGo》游戏制造商Niantic、任天堂和宝可梦公司的诉讼,目前这起诉讼正在寻求集体诉讼,号召那些自家住宅被《PokemonGo》设立为站点和道馆的人们加入到这起诉讼中来。

    The first suit against game makers Niantic , Nintendo , and The Pokemon Company seeks class action status for others who have had Pokemon stops and gyms placed on their property .

  3. 英国斯托克大学皇家医院发现其病房成为了“口袋妖怪”(现实增强宠物养成对战类RPG手游)的道馆,玩家可在道馆中训练其新捕捉的任天堂精灵。

    Royal Stoke University Hospital discovered that its casualty unit is on the same spot as a Pokemon Go ' gym " - where players can train their newly caught Nintendo creatures .

  4. 你们来这个道馆训练多长时间了?

    How long have you been the club for training ?

  5. 建立全军首个示范道馆。

    To establish the first demonstration hall road .

  6. 在华盛顿,白宫和五角大楼均被指定为正式的宝可梦道馆。

    In Washington , the White House and the Pentagon have been designated official Pok é mon gyms .

  7. 多数跆拳道馆全天开放,可以保证道馆经营的连续性,也可以方便学员的学习。

    Most Taekwondo Halls open all day , which can ensure the business continuity of Hall Roads , and also facilitate trainees ' learning .

  8. 玩家需要抓住许多不同类型的精灵,然后利用它们组队对战,争夺对“道馆”的控制权。

    Players capture the many types of Pok é mon and then use them to battle on teams for control of locations known as gyms .

  9. 相关报道称,周董和好友雪糕合办的亚洲舞道馆也将于今年7月在成都成立分校。

    In other related reports , Jay and good friend and dancer Xue Gao will also open a branch of their dance studio Asia Dance Way in Chengdu this July .

  10. 跆拳道运动正以道馆(俱乐部)的形式在中国各城市间蓬勃的开展着,其数量也在不断增加。

    Taekwondo as the form of club and Hall Rode developed vigorous in the large , medium and small cities in China , and the taekwondo market business units are also increasing .

  11. 我在木栅朋友的咖啡店叫“道难馆”(文山区)。

    This is at my friend 's coffee shop in Muzha ( Wenshan District ) .

  12. 青槐夹驰道,宫馆何玲珑?

    Far green locust-trees line broad roads toward clustered palaces and mansions ;

  13. 加上眉宇间的晶亮玲珑;青槐夹驰道,宫馆何玲珑?

    With these , the crystal of his brow , Far green locust-trees line Broad roads Toward clustered palaces and mansions ;

  14. 曾获奖的休闲中心就在学院对面,有游泳馆,冰道,保龄球馆等。

    Award winning Leisure Centre with swimming pools , ice rink , bowling and much more , is just opposite the college .

  15. 青槐夹驰道,宫馆何玲珑?碧绿透明的玲珑瓷和淡雅青翠的青花瓷互相衬托,相映生辉。被誉为“人间瑰宝”。

    Far green locust-trees line Broad roads Toward clustered palaces and mansions ; The green and transparent varieties of blue and white ware and the blue and white porcelain are known as gems of human arts .