
  • 网络Puff pastry;Pastry;crust;Shortcrust Pastry;meringue
  1. 把酥皮面团擀至3-4毫米厚,然后切成4个大小相等的正方形。

    Roll out the puff pastry until 3-4mm thick , then cut into 4 equal-sized squares .

  2. 这种酥皮糕点可真松软啊。

    This pastry is so light .

  3. 甚至连蛋挞这一名字也有着古老的渊源&蛋挞来源于酥皮(crust)的法语词crouste和盎格鲁诺尔曼语词crustarde,crustarde意思是带酥皮的蔬菜、水果或肉馅饼。

    Even the name has an ancient pedigree - it is derived from both the old French word for crust ( crouste ), and the Anglo-Norman ' crustarde ', which meant a tart or pie with a crust .

  4. 将煮好的肉舀进酥皮中,平均地铺开。

    Pour the meat mixture into the dish and spread evenly .

  5. 花有时被制成蜜饯且在过去常常被拿来装饰酥皮点心。

    The flowers are sometimes candied and used to decorate pastries .

  6. 酥皮月饼的模糊综合感官品质评判

    A Fuzzy Comprehensive Sensory Quality Evaluation of Crisp-shell Moon Cake

  7. Spnako皮塔饼是一种包有菠菜和羊奶奶酪的酥皮馅饼。

    Spanakopita is a flaky pastry filled with spinach and feta cheese .

  8. 我上周在车里听到她的蛋白酥皮指南。

    I listened to her meringue instructions in the car last week .

  9. 拿一块钱,我去买个酥皮饼。

    Give me a dollar ; I want a danish .

  10. 大多数月饼都是油酥皮包裹着不同口味的馅料。

    Most mooncakes have a pastry skin with different kinds of fillings .

  11. 土耳其酥皮点心是款变化多端的小食。

    These are a versatile Turkish pastry to be eaten with the fingers .

  12. 美味的小块三明治、烤饼和酥皮糕点通常都是享用下午茶时的小吃。

    Tiny , dainty sandwiches , scones and pastries were served with afternoon tea .

  13. 薄饼制作者将面粉、发酵粉、食盐及清水混合制成油酥皮。

    Pizza makers mix flour , yeast , salt and water for the crust .

  14. 小而薄的酥皮蛋糕或小甜饼。

    A small thin crisp cake or cookie .

  15. 我告诉过你我第一次吃酥皮面包就是在这里吗?

    Did I ever tell you this is where I first tried pretzel bread ?

  16. 我们有苹果派、柠檬酥皮派、啡酒心派等。

    We 've apple pie , lemon meringue pie and coffee rum pie and so on .

  17. 不过要吃酥皮糕点

    but with a breakfast pastry ,

  18. 在小碗中,混合蛋白与冷水,刷在酥皮上。

    In a small bowl , beat the egg white and water ; brush over pastry .

  19. 指酥皮糕点;通过搅拌或者加入搅拌了的蛋白而具有轻而精的质地。

    Of pastry ; having a light delicate texture achieved by whipping or adding whipped egg whites .

  20. 把厚厚的一层蛋白酥皮浇在冰淇淋上面,使之与烤箱中的温度隔绝。

    A large meringue is heaped all over the ice cream , sealing it off from oven heat .

  21. 热气腾腾的酥皮面饼里满是冰镇卤驴肉。在许多中国北方人眼中,驴是神圣之物。

    A hot , crispy pastry encloses cold marinated donkey meat -- considered divine for many in northern China .

  22. 膨涨的糕点或酥皮饼。这是千层糕,这是皮蛋酥,这是蛋挞。

    These are the Multi-Layer Cakes . These are the Preserved Egg Cakes And these are the Custard Tarts .

  23. 他们把面团揉成小面包大小的面球,在每一个面包上面放一点油酥皮。

    They rolled it into small bun-sized balls and put a little pastry cross on the top of each bun .

  24. 酥皮也可用于其他甜品,如天使蛋糕,帕夫洛娃和烤阿拉斯加。

    Meringue is also used on other desserts , for example angel food cake , pavlova , and baked Alaska .

  25. 最著名的可能就是康沃尔的馅饼,一种传统的用油酥皮包裹着牛肉和马铃薯的矿工午餐饼。它在甜品店里和奶茶一样很受欢迎。

    It is as popular as cream tea , where the beverage is served with scones , jam and clotted cream .

  26. 在北卡罗来纳州,卫生部官员已经报告了一批因为食用了用蛋清制作的酥皮馅饼而患病的病人。

    In North Carolina , health officials reported a cluster of illnesses that stemmed from meringue pie , made with whipped egg whites .

  27. (有奶油、果酱等馅的)酥皮点心象油酥角的煎蛋,只用搅打的蛋清做成。

    Hollow piece of pastry ( filled with cream , jam , etc ) souffle-like omelet made by beating and adding the whites separately .

  28. (墨西哥)酥皮的玉米粉圆饼。本厂酥饼,松软味美,携带方便。

    ( Mexico ) a crisp flat tortilla . The crisp cakes made By our factory are light , delicious and easy to carry aBout .

  29. 乳酪蛋糕是一种甜点,上层由新鲜松软的乳酪制作而成,下层可以饼干,酥皮或海绵蛋糕为底。

    Cheesecake is a dessert formed of a topping made with soft , fresh cheese upon a base make from biscuit , pastry or sponge .

  30. 陈面包还可以烧汤、做肉丸,甚至可以做色拉调味。家里烹饪还可以选择做烤碎面包丁。最后,陈面包还可以酥皮,让派更美味。

    Stale bread can turn into soup , meatballs , even salad dressing 。 Homemade croutons are another popular application 。 Finally they can be made into pie crusts for future savoring 。