
  • 网络important period of strategic opportunities
  1. 不确定因素依然很多。从国内看,我国仍处在重要战略机遇期。

    Domestically , our country is still in an important period of strategic opportunities .

  2. 随着人口,工业化和城市化高峰的临近,我国正处在经济和社会发展的重要战略机遇期。

    With the approach of the peak of population , industrialization and urbanization , our nation is undergoing an important period of strategic opportunities .

  3. 论女性教育的重要战略机遇期

    On the important strategic opportunity period in women 's education

  4. 纵观国际形势,中美两国经贸合作正面临一个难得的重要战略机遇期。

    Internationally , China-US economic partnership faces a window of rare strategic opportunity .

  5. 抓住重要战略机遇期全面建设小康社会

    Take the Opportunity of Important Strategy Period and Build a Comparatively Well-Off Society

  6. 论重要战略机遇期的中国高等教育发展

    On Development of China 's Higher Education in Critical Strategic Period of Opportunities

  7. 试论重要战略机遇期的卫生发展

    Discussing health development at the time of strategical challenge

  8. 论重要战略机遇期中国高考改革的十八个统一

    On the Eighteen Unifications of NCEE Reform during the Period of Important Strategic Opportunity

  9. 重要战略机遇期与军事人才队伍建设

    Important Strategic Opportunity and Cultivation of Military Talents

  10. 湖北社会稳定是其重要战略机遇期中压倒一切的问题。

    Hubei society stability is a most important problem during the important strategy opportunity period .

  11. 关于重要战略机遇期的几点思考

    Several Views about Important Strategy and Opportunity

  12. 紧紧抓住重要战略机遇期

    Hold Tightly the Period of Strategic Opportunity

  13. 中华民族伟大复兴之路&论中国和平崛起的重要战略机遇期

    On Ch. People 's Great Revival Route

  14. 浅析重要战略机遇期

    On the important strategic chance

  15. 新世纪的头一二十年,对中国来说,是发展的重要战略机遇期。

    China faces major strategic opportunities for development in the first 10-20 years of the new century .

  16. 当前我国正处于中华民族复兴的重要战略机遇期。

    Currently , our country is being the important strategic opportunity time which the Chinese nation revives .

  17. 于是,公路网结构优化调整被提上了日程。未来20年是湖北省公路网进行结构优化调整的重要战略机遇期,然而对于公路网的合理结构如何定位以及如何实现?

    Approaching 20 years is the significant strategy stage for Hubei 's construction optimization of highway net .

  18. 重庆经济和全国一样已进入一个重要战略机遇期。

    Chongqing 's economy has entered into a period of important strategic opportunities as whole national economy does .

  19. 从历史和现实的高度把握中国面临的重要战略机遇期

    To Seize the " Period of Important Strategic Opportunities " Confronted China at the Level of History and Reality

  20. 重要战略机遇期加强青年理想信念教育的对策探讨

    Strategies for Strengthening the Education of Ideals and Convictions for the Youth in the Period of Important Strategic Opportunity

  21. 本世纪头20年是我国发展的重要战略机遇期,在实现区域经济协调发展、建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会和建立现代化综合交通运输体系中,铁路将充分发挥骨干作用。

    The first 20 years of 21 century is an important period that brings great strategic opportunities to our country .

  22. 现阶段正是我国经济和社会发展的重要战略机遇期,也是社会组织发展的重要机遇期。

    It is a period of important strategic opportunities for economic and social development , and also for social organizations development .

  23. 因此,如何通过和平、合作的方式解决这些已有的和潜在的危机是处在和平崛起的重要战略机遇期的中国所必须正视的。

    So how to resolve the crisis through peaceful and cooperation means is an important issue for our country to consider .

  24. 前瞻性研究了二十一世纪头二十年,这个可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期的消防工作改革对策。

    Moreover , it made a perspective reform strategy study on the fire control in the first 20 years of 21st century .

  25. 当前我国正处于经济发展的重要战略机遇期,也是公路发展的黄金时期。

    Current our country is being in the economic development the important strategic opportunity time , is also the highway development gold time .

  26. 文章分析了这一重要战略机遇期的主要特点和内涵,并从根本点、外部条件、内部条件和重要问题等方面论述了抓住战略机遇期的主要途径。

    This article analyses the features of this period and discusses the effective ways for China to seize the opportunities in the period .

  27. 这四个因素决定了未来十年是民办高等教育发展的重要战略机遇期。

    These four factors decide the important developing strategic opportunity period for the development of civilian-run higher education in the future ten years .

  28. 中国仍处在发展的重要战略机遇期,安全环境总体有利。

    China is still in the period of important strategic opportunities for its development , and the overall security environment for it remains favorable .

  29. 步入21世纪第二个十年,中国的发展进入新的历史阶段,仍处在重要战略机遇期。

    With its development entering a new historical stage in the second decade of the 21st century , China is in an important period of strategic opportunities .

  30. 进行公共部门人力资源开发,是抓住和用好重要战略机遇期、应对日益激烈的国际竞争的必然要求。

    It is necessary for public sector human resource development to grasp and take advantage of important strategic choice and deal with the more fierce international competition .