
  • 网络Jinwan;golden bay
  1. 随着金湾,黄金鹿皮和黄金盾的原型阿克哈-塔克马的色彩之一。

    Along with Golden Bay , Golden Buckskin and Golden Dun , one of the archetypical Akhal-Teke colors .

  2. 混凝土自锚式悬索桥首先是在我国开始修建,从2002年大连金湾大桥开始,其建设呈高速发展的态势,并积累了一些混凝土自锚式悬索桥的设计施工经验。

    The concrete self-anchored suspension bridge is firstly built in China , after 2002 , the Dalian Golden Bay Bridge in the beginning , its construction was rapidly developed , and several experiences in design and construction have been accumulated .

  3. NetJets目前在富有的中国南方广东省的珠海金湾机场拥有两架飞机,最初将推出包机和维修、机组人员配备以及飞机存储等服务。

    NetJets has begun operations in China by basing two aircraft at Zhuhai Jinwan airport in the wealthy southern province of Guangdong , and will initially offer charter flying and services such as maintenance , crewing and storage of jets .

  4. 珠海市金湾区1998~2004年恶性肿瘤流行病学分析

    Analysis of malignancy epidemiology in jinwan district from 1998 to 2004

  5. 金湾大桥主跨系杆拱结构施工工艺及控制

    Jinwan large Bridge mainspan tied arch structure construction technology and control

  6. 广西北海穗丰金湾居住小区规划及单体设计

    Plan and Design for Suifeng Jinwan Residential in Beihai City

  7. 珠海市金湾区功能定位与发展构想

    Function designing and the conception of economic development of Jinwan District of Zhuhai City

  8. 金湾发电厂直流系统可靠性的分析与改进

    Analysis of Reliability and Improvement of the DC Operation Power Supply System in JinWan Power Plant

  9. 提出挖金湾矿近距离煤层联合布置开采方案,并对开采方案的技术难点进行了分析,找出了解决方法。

    The paper puts forward layout schemes of combined cutting close-seams in the Wajinwan mines , analyses the technical difficulty and find out the solution .

  10. 随后以珠海金湾发电厂为研究对象,对金湾电厂直流系统的配置现状、接线方式进行了分析。

    After that , it takes JinWan electric power in Zhuhai as a research object , and analyses the current status of allocation and connection mode .

  11. 分析了山西同煤集团挖金湾矿采空区自燃发火和有害气体的外泄现象,探讨了系统改造的必要性。

    This paper analyses the self-igniting phenomena and poisonous gas leakage in Wajinwan Coal Mine , Datong Coal Group and discusses the necessity of reforming ventilation system .

  12. 快速城市化地区的新城规划&以珠海金湾中心城区西湖片区分区规划为例

    New Town Planning of the Fast Urban - ized Areas & Take the District Planning of the West Lake Block in Jinwan Central City Zone in Zhuhai for Example

  13. 区域经济的快速发展、城市外部交通条件的改善,给金湾中心城区提供了历史性的发展机遇。

    The fast regional economic development and the improvement of exterior traffic conditions of the city have provided a historical chance of development to Jinwan Central City Zone in Zhuhai .