
jīn rónɡ ɡuǎn lǐ
  • financial management
  1. 采用Intranet模式构建金融管理信息系统

    The building of financial management information system by Intranet

  2. 数据流处理系统广泛应用在众多领域,例如金融管理、网络监视、通信数据管理、Web应用、传感器网络数据处理等。

    Stream-processing systems are widely applied in many fields such as financial management , network monitoring , communication data management , web application , sensor network and so on .

  3. RylstimBudget个人以及小型企业金融管理器。

    Personal And Small Business Financial Manager .

  4. 澳门金融管理局(MonetaryAuthorityofMacao)昨日表示,将根据帐户持有者的指示,处理此笔资金。

    The Monetary Authority of Macao yesterday said the funds would be handled in accordance with the instructions of the account holders .

  5. 在有限目的银行模式下,所有共同基金投资,都会由该体系的唯一监管机构联邦金融管理局(FederalFinancialAuthority,FFA)立即在网上进行全面披露。

    Under LPB all mutual fund investments would be fully and instantly disclosed on the web by the system 's single regulator the Federal Financial Authority ( FFA ) .

  6. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)相当于准央行总裁任志刚(JosephYam)表示,他认为人民币正向着可自由兑换转变,有朝一日,可能会成为一种国际储备货币。

    Joseph Yam , the head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , the quasi-central bank , recently said he saw the renminbi becoming freely convertible and perhaps becoming an international reserve currency one day .

  7. 但拥有实权的开曼群岛金融管理局(CIMA)提出的新提案,将对过去的模式做出重大改变。

    New proposals from the islands ' all-powerful Cayman Islands Monetary Authority , however , will make for a significant departure from past form .

  8. 货币政策及市场部〔香港金融管理局〕

    Monetary Policy and Markets Department [ Hong Kong Monetary Authority ]

  9. 联合财富情报组〔香港金融管理局〕

    Joint Financial Intelligence Unit [ Hong Kong Monetary Authority ]

  10. 外汇基金咨询委员会〔香港金融管理局〕

    Exchange Fund Advisory Committee [ Hong Kong Monetary Authority ]

  11. 第四节破坏金融管理秩序罪

    Section 4 crimes of disrupting the order of financial administration

  12. 破坏金融管理秩序罪研究

    Research on Crimes of Disrupting the Order of Financial Administration

  13. 用新的金融管理方式平定金融风险

    Eliminate Financial Risks by Means of New Financial Management Methods

  14. 试论建立和完善农村合作金融管理体制

    Discuss Based and Consummate Country Cooperate Finance Manage System

  15. 福建金融管理干部学院科技大楼设计

    Design of the Science and Technology Building in the Fujian College of Financial Manager

  16. 在金融管理方面,积极推动金融创新,构筑稳定的融资渠道。

    In financial management , actively promote finance innovate , construct the steady financing channel .

  17. 深化农村合作金融管理体制改革是农村金融体制改革的重点。

    Restructuringthe cooperative economy mechanism in rural areas is the focus of rural financial reform .

  18. 洗钱也对我国的金融管理秩序及金融安全造成了严重危害,它严重破坏一国与国际的社会信用基础,同时也引发了各种严重的社会问题。

    The money laundering has also destructed the finance management order and safe in China .

  19. 香港金融管理局新版1000元港币出台,新港币具有更好的防伪特征。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has unveiled new1000-dollar bank notes with enhanced security features .

  20. 世界各国的金融管理模式影响并决定了各国跨国公司的资金运作方式;

    The modes of international financial Management influence and finally decide the binding way of capital of MNC ;

  21. 年内,金融管理局密切留意认可机构对股票市场所承担的风险。

    The HKMA paid close attention to authorized institutions ? Exposure to the stock market throughout the year .

  22. 期权及其定价理论是目前金融管理,金融工程研究的前沿与热点问题。

    Options and the pricing theory of options are the frontiers fields in today 's financial management and financial engineering research .

  23. 金融管理局一直均有运用利率掉期合约,以对冲因外汇基金票据及债券而产生的定息负债。

    The monetary authority has been using interest rate swaps to hedge the fixed rate liabilities arising from exchange fund paper .

  24. 我有信心金融管理局最近的措施对於利息稳定会产生良好的作用。

    I am optimistic that the measures recently introduced by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority will help to steady interest rates .

  25. 为达到这些目标,金融管理局需要不断掌握新需求,对机构资源进行适当调节。

    To this end , the HKMA needs to keep abreast of changing demands and make appropriate adjustment to the organizations resources .

  26. 令人鼓舞的是越来越多中国公司将新加坡视为吸引资金和金融管理的枢纽。

    It is encouraging to note that Chinese companies increasingly value Singapore as a hub for attracting capital and financial management expertise .

  27. 就美国和国际政治而言,建立全球金融管理局的想法可能有些超前。

    In terms of US and international politics , a Global Monetary Authority is probably an idea whose time has not yet come .

  28. 存款保险制度除了具备上述功能之外,还具有促进银行间公平竞争、稳定货币供应量以及有助于金融管理的功能。

    Deposit insurance system also can promote fair competition among banks , the money supply and contribute to the stability of financial management functions .

  29. 前英国金融管理者迈卡锡说全世界的金融管理者应该关注的问题是资本不足的银行运营状况如何。

    Callum McCarthy , a former top British financial regulator , said regulators worldwide should have focused instead on how undercapitalized banks already were .

  30. 土地基金现时由金融管理局根据财政司司长的指示管理,独立于外汇基金。

    The land fund is now managed by the HKMA under the direction of the financial secretary as a separate portfolio from the exchange fund .