
  • 网络GOLD AND JADE;Gold inlaid with jade;Phyllostachys Yu
  1. 这张壁画,金镶玉嵌,十分华丽。

    This wall painting inlaid with gold and jade is very splendid .

  2. 金镶玉,你三更半夜,来这儿干什么?

    Jade , why do you come here in the middie of the night ?

  3. 同时,在奥运金牌中使用的金镶玉绝技也会亮相。

    In the mean time , the skills of Olympic gold medal will appear in the exhibition .

  4. 金镶玉这种独特的装帧方式,自从其诞生以来,就引起了不断的关注。

    " Jin Xiang Yu ," This unique binding mode , since its inception , it caused constant attention .

  5. 也引起了新一番的金镶玉热,大家争相对各种金镶玉进行研究。

    Also caused some of the new " Jin Xiang Yu " hot , we compete against all kinds of " Jin Xiang Yu " research .