- 名ilmenite

Microreaction mechanism of the reduction of ilmenite to iron by H_2 ~ + ion implantation
The Microstructure Control and Process Optimization of Fe / Ti ( C , N ) Composites from Carbothermic Reduction of Ilmenite
Ilmenite deposits have been found occurring with the trend of NE .
Study on the Light Catalysis Characteristics of TiO_2 Made from Ilmenite
Action Mechanism of Collector ROB in Panzhihua Ultrafine Ilmenite Flotation
This paper studies some main factors affecting carrier-flotation of ilmenite , including agitating time and speed , pulp pH and collector dosc , ctc .
Kinetics analysis of decomposition of ilmenite by KOH sub-molten salt method
Determination of Major and Minor Elements in Ilmenite by XRF
Discussion on metallogeny and exploration of micro-fine disseminated gold deposits Flotation of Micro-fine Ilmenite Using New Type Collector ── ROB
Test Research of Separating Coarse Ilmenite with ZY Collector
Fine ilmenite flotation with RST
By adding the MgO in ZnOTiO_2 system , the hexagonal ilmenite structure of ZnTiO_3 was stabilized , and that the compound decomposition into Zn_2TiO_4 and rutile was restrained effectively .
Experimental Research of Using R-2 Collector to Separate Panzhihua Microsized Ilmenite
Studies on the preparation of FETI from ilmenite and its hydrogen absorption properties
The intensity sequence of absorption ability on surface of ilmenite is : sodium oleateCMCwaterglass ; while for titanaugite , the sequence would be : waterglass CMC sodium oleate . 3 .
Ti-rich eclogites in the southern Sulu ultrahigh-pressure ( UHP ) metamorphic belt may be divided into two types : Fe-and Ti-rich ilmenite eclogite and Ti-rich rutile eclogite .
The higher REE contents of sulfides are recognized mainly in the Zr-rich tiny silicate phase minerals wrapped in sulfides , such as zircon , rutile , spinelle , ilmenite and so on .
This paper gives a brief comment on the classification which divided the granitoids into magnetite-series and ilmenite series by Tshihara ( 1977 ) .
The rate of deactivation depends on the storage temperature of activated ore , which conforms to the Arrhenius exponential law . A deactivation energy of 5.94 kJ / mol was obtained by data fitting .
These minerals were studied using reflecting microscopy , X-ray analysis , reflectivity and hardness determination , electron microprobe , etc. Variations in FeO and MgO contents of chromite and ilmenite in different chemical groups of chondrites are summarized in this paper .
The main results aquired in the study turned out to be as following : In this study , the following major results : ( 1 ) Thermodynamic studies of ilmenite reduction reaction show that ilmenite reduction needs high CO concentration , equilibrium concentration should be more than 90 % .
Study on the thermodynamics of chlorination of ilmenite & to produce ticl_4 and metallic iron directly
A newly-developed collector & ROB is used for flotation separation of micro-fine ilmenite of Panzhihua mine . In its industrial test , good results such as a concentrate TiO 2 grade of 48 % and a recovery of 75 % are obtained .
It is manifested that there is a positive correlation between the recovery of ilmenite and the adsorption capacity of SYB2 # .
With the gradual depletion of rutile resource , inexpensive ilmenite has been applied in titanium industry as the main raw materials . But its grade is rather low , and so that it generally needs to be made into Ti-rich material with high grade .
Rutile samples were collected from various genetic types of ore deposits in different localities of China . The results indicate that in most of the rutile grains are contained some ilmenite mosaic crystals , and in both rutile and mosaic ilmenite occurs the exsolution phase & titano-hematite .
Comprehensive Utilization of Ilmenite Resources : Present Status and Future Prospects
Study on the rough concentration process for the residual ILMENITE PLACER
Preparation of Ultra-Fine Compound Material Titania / Zinc Oxide by Ilmenite
Study on retrieve ilmenite ore from tailings of certain separation iron