
  • 网络Sodium molybdate;Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate
  1. 通过对比实验,发现稀土铈(IV)离子和钼酸钠对冷轧钢产生了明显的缓蚀协同效应,最大缓蚀率可达90%左右。

    Through the experiments of comparison , it was found that cerium ( IV ) ion with sodium molybdate produced strong synergistic effect on corrosion inhibition for CRS , and the maximum inhibition efficiency was about 90 % .

  2. 用工业氧化钼生产钼酸钠试剂的新工艺

    New technology of producing sodium molybdate reagent from commercial molybdenum oxide

  3. 钼酸钠的结晶率、纯度和pH的关系

    Relation between pH Value and Crystal Rate & Purity of Sodium Molybdate

  4. 钼酸钠催化的麦草浆酸性H2O2脱木素

    Acidic Peroxide Delignification of Wheat Straw Pulp Catalyzed by Sodium Molybdate

  5. Fe(OH)3吸附法从高钨钼酸钠溶液中分离钨钼的研究

    Study of Separation of Tungsten and Molybdenum from High W-containing Molybdate Acid Sodium Solution by Fe ( OH ) _3 Adsorption

  6. 研究了用Fe(OH)3吸附法从高含钨的钼酸钠溶液中分离钨的可能性及技术条件。

    Study is made of the possibility and technical requirements of separating tungsten from high W-containing Na_2MO_4 solution by Fe ( OH ) _3 adsorption .

  7. 钼酸钠对菌肥的活菌数和pH影响大,钼酸钠不宜作为钼肥添加到根瘤菌剂中。

    Natrium molybdate was not suitable to be added into rhizobial inoculant , because of the low viable number and its high effect on pH ( value ) .

  8. 论述了以钼酸钠作释放剂选择性螫合液定法测定铅的方法,应用于测定铅基合金镀层、Ph-Sn&Cu合金镀层和电镀溶液中铅的含量。

    Selective chelatometric determination of Pb with sodium molybdate as releasing agent and its practical application in determination of Pb content in Pb alloy deposit , Pb-Sn-Cu alloy deposit and their plating solutions are described .

  9. 研究了钼酸钠溶液在不同的pH值下,其一次结晶率与产成品纯度的关系,导出了钼酸钠生产的最佳控制工艺条件。

    The article introduces the relation between first crystal rate of sodium molybdate solution and its crystal purity at different pH-value , and consequently presents the optimum condition of process control for the production of sodium molybdate .

  10. 采用失重法、表面观察法、极化曲线法、氢离子刻蚀法和XPS分析法研究钼酸钠-磷酸盐在自来水中对碳钢的协同缓蚀效应与作有理。

    The synergistic effect and inhibition mechanism of Molybdate-phosphate for carbon steel in tap water were studied by means of weight loss , surface observation polarization curves , argon ion sputtering and XPS .

  11. 结果发现:50%钼酸钠+5.0%磷酸盐(XM-202)在自来水中对碳钢具有明显的协同缓蚀效应。

    The results revealed that 50 % molybdate + 50 % phosphate ( XM - 202 ) had obvious synergistic inhibition effect on carbon steel in sea water .

  12. 由硫化钠和钼酸钠水溶液反应生成棕色三硫化钼膏状沉淀,将三硫化钼粉末干燥后在氢气保护气氛中于适宜温度下煅烧脱硫,制得了粒径为20~30nm的纳米MoS2颗粒。

    The nanoparticles of molybdenum disulfide were prepared by heating molybdenum trisulfide precipitates obtained from the aqueous reaction of sodium sulfide and sodium molybdenate in hydrogen atmosphere .

  13. 研究结果表明,钼酸钠在低浓度下单独使用时,缓蚀效果很不理想,而钼酸钠与HEDP和乙酸锌共同作用时,缓蚀效果良好,三者之间有显著的缓蚀协同效应;

    The result indicates that the corrosion inhibiting rates of the sole sodium molybdate is low . There is an evident synergistic effect between sodium molybdate and HEDP with the zinc acetate that compound provides good protection to the steel against corrosion in cooling media .

  14. 以十八烷氧基二硫代磷酸吡啶盐(PyDDP)为表面修饰剂,钼酸钠、硫化钠、稀硫酸、盐酸羟胺为原料,合成了PyDDP修饰的MoS2纳米微粒。

    Using pyridine dialkyldithiophasphate ( PyDDP ) as the surface modifying reagent , nano-molybdenum disulfide ( MoS2 ) particles are synthesized with sodium molybdenum acid , sodium sulfide , sulfuric acid and hydroxylamine as raw materials .

  15. 以钼酸钠为释放剂选择性螯合滴定法测定铅

    Selective Chelatometric Determination of Pb with Sodium Molybdate as Releasing Agent

  16. 钼酸钠是一种最简单的钼的无机化合物。

    Sodium molybdate is the simplest inorganic compound of molybdenum .

  17. 钼酸钠与羟基羧酸盐对碳钢孔蚀的协同缓蚀作用

    Synergistic Inhibition Effect of Sodium Molybdate and Hydroxy carboxylate

  18. 工业钼酸钠杂质氯离子的控制

    The control of chlorine ion in sodium molybdate

  19. 制备了钼酸钠复合缓蚀剂。

    The compound sodium molybdate anticorrosion was prepared .

  20. 钼酸钠干燥机理研究

    Research on the drying mechanism of molybdate

  21. 含碳金钼分离及制备钼酸钠新工艺

    Separation of gold and molybdenum containing carbon and new technology for preparation of sodium molybdate

  22. 钼酸钠对热镀锌钢板表面磷化膜电化学行为的影响

    Effect of Sodium Molybdate on Electrochemical Behavior of Phosphating Coatings on Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Sheet

  23. 国内外钼酸钠应用和产耗概况

    General situation of application , production and consumption for sodium molybdate at home and abroad

  24. 重点介绍了钼酸钠、钼酸钡的生产工艺及质量控制过程。

    The production technology of sodium molybdate , barium molybdate and quality control were presented particularly .

  25. 钼酸钠的分析

    Analysis of sodium molybdate

  26. 在硼氢化钾存在的情况下,钼酸钠就能催化乙炔还原为乙烯的反应。

    In the presence of potassium borohydride , sodium molybdate can catalyze the reduction of acetylene to ethylene .

  27. 本文研究不同浓度钼酸钠浸种对花生种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。

    The effects of soaking seeds with natrium molybdate on the germination and seedling growth of peanut were studied .

  28. 利用氨浸渣生产工业钼酸钠钨酸钠溶液中的钨钼分离研究


  29. 试验发现钼酸钠与磷酸氢二钠的复配效果较为突出,在不同温度下缓蚀率均达99%左右,且成本最低。

    The results showed that the synergistic effect between sodium molybdate and sodium hydrogen phosphate is remarkably superior to others .

  30. 采用免疫毒理学方法,研究了钼酸钠对氯化汞免疫毒性的影响。

    Method of immune toxicology was used to investigate the effect of sodium molybdate on immune toxicity of mercuric chloride .