
tóng fěn
  • copper powder
铜粉[tóng fěn]
  1. 锌粉-卤化铵还原体系用于N,N′-二苯肼的合成葡萄糖预还原-水合肼液相法制备纳米铜粉

    Preparation of Nanometer Copper Powder Used Glucose Pre-reduction and Hydration Hydrazine Liquid Phase Method

  2. TEM观察纳米金属粉末及纳米铜粉的异常表现

    TEM Observation of the Abnormal Behavior of Nanometer Metal Powder and Nanometer Copper Powder

  3. SEM照片显示,镍包铜粉形貌较好,片状化程度较好。

    SEM photos reveal that the nickel coated copper powder has satisfactory morphology and flaky degree .

  4. 用于铜-石墨电刷的SCM高比表面积铜粉

    SCM Copper Powder with Higher Specific Surface Area Used in Copper-Graphite brush

  5. 对纳米铜粉进行了TEM分析。

    The copper nano-powders was analyzed by TEM .

  6. 微米级铜粉的SPS烧结工艺研究

    Study on the process of micron powdered copper by SPS

  7. SEM和TEM结果表明,碳纳米管均匀地分散在超细铜粉中,并且与铜颗粒形成较牢固的结合。

    SEM and TEM results showed that CNTs dispersed homogeneously in the compound powder and combined firmly with superfine Cu .

  8. 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)-铜粉-钢背复合材料是一种广泛应用的三层结构自润滑轴承材料,具有良好的减摩耐磨性能。

    PTFE-bronze powder-steel is a widely used three-layer self-lubricating bearing material with good anti-friction and anti-wear .

  9. 使用还原剂A、B两种体系制备的铜粉均具有一定的抗氧化性,但如果需要长时间保存,必须进行抗氧化处理。

    The copper powder make by reducing agents A and B have some oxidation resistance , but if long time preserved is need , ti need some especial deal with .

  10. SPS烧结纳米铜粉制备块体材料的研究

    Study on SPS Sintering Nano Copper Powder to Make a Preparation of Bulk Material

  11. 用氨水提高银氨溶液的pH,可增加制备的镀银铜粉表层的银含量,提高其抗氧化性能。

    Raising the pH value of ammoniacal silver solution with ammonia solution could increase the silver content of the prepared silver-coated copper powder and improve its oxidation-resistant performance .

  12. 微米级金属粉对AP的催化作用明显小于纳米级金属粉,微米铜粉和镍粉也有一定的催化作用。同时,纳米金属粉对推进剂样品有较好的催化活性。

    The catalytic characteristics of micrometer metal powder were lower than that of nanometer ones although micrometer Cu and Ni had some catalytic characteristics .

  13. 两步还原法制备MLCC电极用超细铜粉

    Preparation of ultrafine copper powder for MLCC electrode by two-step reduction

  14. 在雄大鼠,注铜粉蓖麻油混悬液于附睾头165天后,取下丘脑、垂体、睾丸和附睾,常规固定包埋染色(包括HE、PAS和硫堇染色),光镜观察。

    In male rats , 165 days after the injection of the copper powder in castor oil the caput epididymidis .

  15. 以铁粉为基体,添加铜粉采用混合烧结工艺制备FeCu20及FeCu30复合粉,在试验室条件下,制取该粉末的最佳工艺条件为:20g铁粉末,粉末尺寸约为0.053mm;

    Taking Fe powder as matrix and adding Cu powder , Fe Cu 20 and Fe Cu 30 composite powder were prepared by mixed sintering process .

  16. 研究不同形状和粒径青铜粉,以及铜粉中其他成分对PTFE材料性能的影响。

    The effect of different shapes and sizes bronze powder and other components in the bronze on the properties of PTFE materials was discussed .

  17. 通过选择不同粒度的原料钨粉,采用预混合部分铜粉然后渗铜的方法制备一系列不同铜含量的W-Cu合金。

    High copper W-Cu alloy can be obtained by infiltration of tungsten and copper powder .

  18. 微量的NaOH能有效消除超细铜粉表面的棱峰,使铜粉的表面更圆滑,同时也可以使铜粉粒径变小。

    NaOH can effectively eliminate the wrinkle of copper particles , at the same time , the copper particles become smaller , too .

  19. 对所得产品进行XRD谱图分析,证实紫红色粉末为铜粉,但其在空气中不稳定,极易被氧化为Cu2O。

    From the results analyzed by XRD we see the powder is copper , but it is oxygenized easily in the air .

  20. 湿法阶段制备纳米铜粉的优化方案为:转速350r/min,时间3h。

    For the optimized sample treated by wet grinding , the rotational speed is 350r / min and the time is 4h .

  21. 得到电解铜粉和雾化铜粉在SPS烧结过程中显微组织演变特征和规律不同的结论。

    We get the conclusion that the microstructure evolution of electrolytic copper powder and atomizing copper powder was different in SPS process .

  22. 不规则青铜粉填充的PTFE复合材料具有较好的力学性能,但是球形铜粉填充的PTFE复合材料具有较好的耐磨损性能。

    PTFE composites filled with irregular bronze powder have better mechanical properties , but PTFE composites filled with spherical copper powder have better wear resistance .

  23. 结果表明,PS的加入可以明显提高铜粉温压压坯的致密化程度,提高压坯的相对密度;同时温压压坯致密化还同温压温度有关;

    The results have shown that warm compaction can obviously improve the densification of the compacts and the processing parameters also have a great influence on the densification .

  24. 利用IR、SEM等手段,较详细地研究了铜粉–环氧树脂体系中固化剂与铜粉的相互作用,并探讨了铜粉用量、形状对涂料导电性能的影响规律。

    In the preparation of conductive paints of epoxy resin filled with copper powders the reaction between the curing agent and copper was studied in detail by means of SEM and IR .

  25. 通过SEM、XRD与EDS分析研究了烧结过程中镍包铜粉中界面的迁移情况,同时制备了镍铜混合粉末烧结体并和镍包铜粉末烧结体进行了对比。

    The interface migration during sintering , was studied by using SEM 、 XRD and EDS at the same time , the sinters of Cu-Ni mixed powders were compared with .

  26. XRD检测表明在优化条件下制得的产物主要是单质铜,TEM检测结果表明铜粉粒径为5~20nm。

    The results detected by XRD and TEM respectively , show that the product obtained under the optimized conditions is essentially simple substance of copper with size of 5 ~ 20 nm .

  27. 利用固相烧结法将镍包铜粉成功地制成了块状烧结体,通过SEM、XRD和EDS研究了烧结过程中镍包铜粉中界面的迁移情况。

    The bulk specimens of nickel-coated copper powders were prepared by solid-phase sintering . The interface transport behavior of the nickel-coated copper powders was studied by using SEM , XRD , and EDS.

  28. 球形超细铜粉是制造多层陶瓷电容器(MLCC)的重要材料。

    The ultrafine copper powder is an important material in production of MLCC ( multilayer ceramic capacitors ) .

  29. 在贮存和运用过程中,铜粉表面容易形成Cu2O和CuO不导电薄膜,这给铜粉的使用带来了障碍。

    Cu2O and CuO nonconductive films form easily on the surface of copper powder . It brings some obstacles to use copper powder .

  30. 应用自制的SPS烧结设备烧结纳米铜粉成块体材料,对制备大块纳米材料的方法和工艺进行了探索和研究。

    By taking self-made SPS sintering bulk nano copper powder , this paper presents research and investigation of methods and processing of bulk nano material specimen preparation .