
  • 网络copper red
  1. 他们可能是早期的实验的例子铜红。

    They may be examples of early experimentation with copper red .

  2. 浅谈对河南钧瓷与后起之秀铜红釉的见解

    An Opinion on Henan Jun Ware and Copper Red Glaze

  3. 用XRD、SEM、CCM等现代测试技术,研究了自还原法生产的铜红釉的呈色机理。

    Study the color mechanism of red copper glaze prepared by the method of self-destruction . using modern testing technic of XRD , SEM , CCM et al .

  4. 铜红釉的仿制及着色机理研究(一)

    Imitation of Red Copper Glaze and Mechanism Study on Colour ( 1 )

  5. 桃花片铜红釉的着色机理

    Colouring Mechanism of peach bloom copper red glaze

  6. 有许多现存的铜红容器或切割的印象的主旨。

    There are a number of extant copper red vessels with impressed or incised motif .

  7. 自还原法制备铜红釉

    Preparation of red copper glaze using self-destruction

  8. 用溶胶&凝胶法制备铜红镀膜玻璃

    Copper Ruby Coating on Glass by Sol-Gel

  9. 不完全燃烧理论在铜红釉烧成气氛研究中的应用

    The application of incomplete combustion theory in the study of firing atmosphere for copper red glaze

  10. 明清景德镇铜红釉的高温衍射分析

    High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of the Jingdezhen Copper Red Glazes in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  11. 要么是铜红冲上来主题主题或保留与红色的背景。

    The copper red was either washed over the motif or the motif reserved with red background .

  12. 大多数的已知铜红的例子都装饰着主题式用铅笔画的风格。

    Most of the known examples of the copper red were decorated with motif executed in pencilled style .

  13. 结果表明:用不完全燃烧理论确定铜红釉烧成气氛是切实可行的;

    The results show that it is practicable to determine the firing atmosphere of copper red glaze by incomplete combustion theory .

  14. 用自制一氧化碳发生炉提供的还原气氛,在管式炉中仿制了铜红釉试片。

    The sample of red copper glaze was imitated in pipe furnace under the reduction atmosphere offered by self-making CO reaction furnace .

  15. 介绍了自还原法制备低温无铅铜红釉的工艺方法、工艺参数以及影响铜红釉呈色效果的因素。

    Introduce technic method , technic parameters , and factors which affect the color of the glaze of low-temperature no-lead red copper glaze by using self-destruction .

  16. 首次通过实验揭示了桃花片铜红釉的着色剂是小于2μm的细分散的金属铜粒子;

    The experimental results reveal that the colouring agent of peach bloom is the fine dispersed copper particles , the size of which is less then two microns .

  17. 在铜红釉烧成气氛的研究中,应用了不完全燃烧理论,详细推导了其计算过程。

    The theory of incomplete combustion is applied in the study of the firing atmosphere for the production of copper red glaze , which calculation steps are derived in every detail and particular .

  18. 研究了表征桃花片铜红釉的3个特征&红釉区、绿苔点和泛绿区的化学成份和显微结构。

    Chemical composition and microstructure of red glaze region , green moss like fleck and red region suffused with green colour , which are three characteristics of peach bloom copper red glaze , have been studied .

  19. 结果表明,给锌、铜组红细胞SOD活性比对照组明显增高(P<0.01),但给铜组较给锌组高(P<0.01)。

    The results showed that SOD activity of erythrocytes in zinc and copper group was markedly higher than the con - trol group ( P < 0 . 01 ) and that in copper group it was higher than in zinc group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  20. 孕期和非孕期黄褐斑患者血清铜、红细胞锌、T3、T4的分析

    Detection of serum cuprum , erythrocyte zinc , T_3 , T_4 and its clinical significance

  21. 铜-茜素红络合物吸附波的研究

    Investigation of adsorptive complex wave of copper-alizarin red S

  22. 乙酸铜对黄鳝红细胞微核及核异常的影响

    The Effect of Cu ( CH_3COO ) _2 on the RBC Micronucleus and Nuclear Abnormity of Monopterus albus

  23. 结论铜离子解离和红细胞聚集是铜针电栓塞血管的主要机制,稳压直流电4V和17.5分钟的通电时间为血栓形成的安全有效条件。

    Conclusion Dissociation of copper ion and agglutination of RBC are the basic principle of electrothrombosis with copper needle . A 4V direct current and 17.5 minutes are the safe and effective conditions for thrombus formation in the blood vessels .

  24. 铜中毒对雏鸡红细胞免疫功能的影响

    Effect of Copper Toxicity on the Erythrocyte Immune Function in Chicken

  25. 乙炔亚铜是黄褐色的红棕色的粉末,不溶于水和大多数有机溶剂。

    To make of or decorate with brass . fool 's gold Cuprous acetylide takes the form of a russet or reddish-brown powder , insoluble in water and in the majority of organic solvents .

  26. 镍铜废渣联产硫酸镍硫酸铜氧化铁红工艺研究

    Study on the combined production of nickel sulfate , copper sulfate and iron oxide red from waste Ni-Cu residue