
měng kuàng chuáng
  • manganese ore deposit
锰矿床[měng kuàng chuáng]
  1. 我国原生锰矿床的沉积建造及形成环境

    Sedimentary Formation and Ore-forming Environment of China 's Primary Mn-deposits

  2. 本文简介了堆积型锰矿床残矿体的回采工作。

    This paper described briefly the stoping work of remnant orebody in accumulative manganese deposits .

  3. 广西木圭锰矿床的烟灰状锰矿石,是该矿区开采的主要矿石类型。

    The ore now mined from the Mugui Mn-deposit in Guiping , Guangxi is occurred mainly in ashenstructure .

  4. 分析了我国大型锰矿床产出岩系类型及优质锰矿的形成条件;

    Analyzed the rock pattern which can produce large manganese deposit and the conditions for forming rich manganese ore ;

  5. 锰矿床的分布受早石炭世大塘期南丹-宜山成锰盆地及同沉积断裂控制。

    The distribution of Mndeposit is under the control of Nandan-Yishan basin of lower Carboniferous Datang period and of synsedimentary faulting .

  6. 以缓倾薄层锰矿床的地层特征、原岩应力等为基础,简述了锰矿床开采技术特征,采矿方法及相应地压活动规律与现状;

    Based on the ground behaviour of the gently inclined thin manganese deposit and the intact rock stress , a description is made on features and methods of mining the deposits , and the law and current status of the related underground pressure activities .

  7. 在总结前人资料的基础上,对比华南地区锰矿地质特征,将湖北锰矿床按成因划分为四大类:正常沉积类、沉积变质奖、沉积热液改造类、表生风化类。

    Manganese deposits in Hubei can be divided into four genetic types that are normal sedimentary type , sedimento-metamorphic type , sedimento-hydrothermal type and supergene weathering type .