
  • 网络Dart Gun;harbah;pilum
镖枪 [biāo qiāng]
  • [spear] 一种长柄尖头的武器

  1. 这个词的词根是希腊语aikhmē,指古代标志性的物件“矛”或“镖枪”。

    At the root of this word lies an iconic pointed object of the ancient world : the Greek aikhm ē means " spear " or " javelin3 . "

  2. 法力在巫妖王之怒中,通常比我们想要的来得不重要一些,因此为了避免让治疗者只是狂补,我们让治疗者挑战能够一次让更多的镖枪在空中飞舞。

    Mana generally matters a lot less in Lich King for healers than we 'd like , so instead of challenging healers to hit the target we just challenge healers to keep as many darts in the air as possible .
