
  • 网络Dysprosium lamp;HMI;JLZ-D
  1. 镝灯研制及其在照相制版中的应用

    Dysprosium iodide lamp and its use in photoengraving

  2. 金属卤化物镝灯太阳模拟器

    Metal halogenide - dysprosium lamp solar simulator

  3. 以复合纳米Fe2O3/TiO2作为催化剂,日光色镝灯为光源,研究了邻甲酚溶液的可见光降解。

    Photocatalysis degradation of o-cresol was studied using Fe_2O_3 / TiO_2 nanoparticles as photocatalyst and reflector sunlight dysprosium lamp as light source .

  4. 本文提出以镝灯摸拟日光,结合应用漫反射光谱法预测固体制剂在日照下的颜色变化。

    A simulated sun-light & Dysprosium halide lamps , and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy ( DRS ) were employed to predetermine the color change of solid preparations by exposure under sun-light .

  5. 研究了镝灯光谱相对能量分布,首先根据A级模拟器提供的带宽和带数对镝灯的光谱能量分布进行了测试,测试结果表明,利用镝灯来模拟太阳光谱达不到A级模拟器的要求;

    In the Dy-lamp experiments , we study the spectrum distribution of relative-energy . Firstly , itis tested by providing bandwidth and the numbers of the band according as A standard of the solar simulator .
