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  1. 油、气、水长输运管线的重腐蚀防护。

    Severe corrosion prevention for long-distance pipelines of oil , gas and water .

  2. 为了研究其激光特性,在不同腔长、抽运半径和抽运波长情况下,对激光二极管(LD)纵向抽运的非对称平行平面腔Nd∶GSGG全固化激光器的输出特性进行了实验研究。

    In this paper , the characteristics of laser diode ( LD ) end-pumped Nd ∶ GSGG all-solid-state laser with asymmetric flat-flat cavity were investigated for different cavity lengths , pump radii and pump wavelengths .

  3. 基于光放大的长脉冲抽运太赫兹激光

    Long-pulse optical pumping THz laser based on optical amplification

  4. 新型的长钢轨吊运装置

    A New Long - Rail - Handing Equipment

  5. 四能级固体增益介质中长脉冲抽运光的吸收

    The Absorption of Pumping Light in Four-level Solid State Medium Pumped with a Long Pulse

  6. 结论冠状动脉血管闭塞时间越长,血运重建术成功率越低。

    Conclusion It is found that the longer coronary artery occlusion of the lower success in revascularization .

  7. 黄河三角洲典型灌区实现泥沙长距离输运的原因分析

    The Analysis on Reasons of the Long Distant Sediment Transport in Typical Irrigation District of Yellow River Delta

  8. 按此腔型搭建谐振腔后,通过直接观察激光器输出光斑的形状就可获得腔长与抽运功率的关系;

    The relation between the cavity length and the pump power can be established by observing the spot pattern .

  9. 模拟结果表明,增大抽运光输入功率,选择长波长抽运光,可以增加转换光相应信道消光比,但减小了相邻信道的输出消光比;

    It is shown by numerical simulation that high pump input power and long pump wavelength enhance signal extinction ratio of corresponding channel but decrease the adjacent channel extinction ratio .

  10. 经过长时间的运做,江铃在采购管理方面积累了丰富的运作经验,也建立了一套完善的与采购相关的流程和制度。

    After a long period of transport to do that , JMC in the procurement management has accumulated a wealth of operational experience , but also established a comprehensive procurement-related processes and systems .

  11. 山区长输管道人工运布管技术

    Pipe Transportation and Stringing by Manpower for Long Distance Pipeline Construction in Mountainous Area

  12. 但是,正由于多样的理论及方法,我们可以采各家之长,将其运用于教学之中。

    However , just because of these different theories and methods , we may adopt the strong points , and use them in teaching .

  13. 建立了高浓度水煤浆长距离管道输运中非稳定段里的数学模型,对模型的求解可以预测非稳定段长度、压力梯度及总的压力损失。

    A mathematical model of the unsteady flow pipe section has been built up while CWS is transported in a long pipe . By solving the model , length of the unsteady flow pipe section , pressure gradient at every cross-section and the gross energy losses can be predicted .