
mén shì bù
  • sales department;salesroom;retail department;retail sale department
门市部 [mén shì bù]
  • [retail department] 商店的负责零售的部分,经营零售业务的商店

  1. 我在农村开了一家小门市部,我想问一下我应该办理那些手续?

    I opened a small Salesroom in the country , do I want to ask I should deal with those formalities ?

  2. 公司在轻纺城北交易区精品一条街1311号,135号设有门市部。

    Our salesroom is located at NO.1311 , NO135 First Floor One Area North Market Textile City , Keqiao , Shaoxing County , China .

  3. 服装公司门市部,真正的时装之都。

    This sales department of a dress company is an authentic-fashion metropolis .

  4. 这个门市部主要经营各种建筑材料。

    This retail department specializes in selling all kinds of architecture materials .

  5. 你可以把它拿到当地的保修门市部去修。

    You can take it to local repair shop .

  6. 我负责管理门市部。

    I 'm in charge of the sales department .

  7. 你的职位是什么?我负责管理门市部。

    What position do you hold ? I 'm in charge of the sales department .

  8. 你会选择自己设计蛋糕还是直接到门市部购买已造好的蛋糕?

    You prefer to design your own cake or to buy a cake in bakery shops ?

  9. 我公司在西南地区设有两家批发门市部,两个配售中心。

    I am in the southwestern region with two wholesale shops , placing the two centres .

  10. 工厂门市部直接销售

    Direct marketing at the factory door

  11. 公司在广州、成都、北京等地开有多家门市部。

    Companies in Guangzhou , Chengdu , Beijing and other places have opened more than marketing department .

  12. 我们是日本最大的贸易公司,在日本的各大城市都有分公司和门市部!

    We are the largest trading company in Japan , and have offices and representatives in all major cities and towns in Japan .

  13. 方法以调查表的形式对金安区经销奶粉的超市、门市部进行调查,并随机抽取奶粉样品,进行脂肪、蛋白质指标检测和分析。

    Method Standard questionnaire was used to investigate supermarkets and groceries selling milk powder in Jinan District and randomly select samples to test fat and protein contents .

  14. 各位可以到指定的流动服务供应商的门市部递交申请表,确认身分,并且下载流动电子核证证书到本身的流动装置上。

    You may visit the retail outlets of assigned mobile operators to submit your application , confirm identity and download the mobile e-Cert certificate into your mobile device .

  15. 本报刊门市部按市价发行各类报刊。最近发生的一股从报刊经销人那里进行偷窃的浪潮。

    In this sales department , all kinds of newspapers and periodicals are sold at the market prices . There have be a wave of theft from newsagent .

  16. 高职院校内刊学报开发稿源策略分析本报刊门市部按市价发行各类报刊。

    On the Issue of Contribution Sources of In-House Publication Journals in Higher Vocational Colleges ; In this sales department , all kinds of newspapers and periodicals are sold at the market prices .

  17. 大字报,除商店的门市部、农村(区乡)、小学、军队的营和连队以外,都可以用。

    The big-character poster can be put to use everywhere except in the salesrooms of stores , rural areas ( districts and townships ), primary schools , and the battalions and companies of the armed forces .

  18. 与此同时门市及售后服务部在京郊大地落成。届时填补了起重设备售后服务方面的空白。

    In the meantime , our salesroom and after-sale service department have been completed in the outskirts of Beijing , which fills up the blank of the after-sale at the appointed time .