
mén hù kāi fàng
  • open-door;open the door to foreign trade
门户开放 [mén hù kāi fàng]
  • (1) [open the door to foreign trade;open-door]

  • (2) 开着门或像是开着门做某事

  • (3) 在对外关系中减少限制,让外国人进入本国进行某些活动

门户开放[mén hù kāi fàng]
  1. 实用主义哲学与美国对华门户开放政策

    The philosophy of pragmatism and the American open-door policy to China

  2. 美国正在努力同日本建立门户开放政策。

    The U. S. is striving for an open-door policy with Japan .

  3. 从门户开放到中国加入WTO

    From " Open the Door " to Enter WTO in China

  4. 中国加入WTO与美国的门户开放政策

    The Entry of WTO And The America 's Door-opening Policy

  5. 根据国际教育协会发布的《2017年门户开放报告》,2016-17学年,参加OPT项目的中国毕业生人数近6万,较上年增长14.6%,是2009-10学年的数字的5倍多。

    The number of Chinese graduates in such programs reached nearly 60000 in the 2016-17 academic year , an increase of 14.6 % from the previous year and more than five times the figure in the 2009-10 academic year , according to the 2017 Open Doors report by the Institute for International Education .

  6. “门户开放”政策所蕴含的原则在这些活动中基本提出。

    The principles involving in the Open Door policy were basicallycrystallized .

  7. 美国门户开放政策目标定位辨析

    An Analysis of the Goal of American Open Door Policy

  8. 至于到访一事,斯特赖比奇说他们实行的是门户开放政策。

    As for visiting , Mr. Streibich says it is an open-door policy .

  9. “新门户开放主义”浅析

    Analysis of the " New - Open-Door Doctrine "

  10. 冷战结束后,美国外交出现了新门户开放主义。

    After the Cold War , New-Open-Door Doctrine emerged in American foreign affairs .

  11. 门户开放与太平洋经济圈的初步构建

    The Open Door Policy and the Primary Construction of the Pacific Economic Circle

  12. 美国在中国推动门户开放政策,但在美国本土却实施反移民法案。

    US Open Door policy in China , but anti-immigration laws at home .

  13. 门户开放政策新论

    A New Idea about the Open Door Policy

  14. 门户开放政策的实施达到了巅峰。

    Open Door Policy implementation reached a peak .

  15. 此时围绕门户开放的斗争主要在中国的东三省展开。

    At this time the struggle around the Open Door started in the Northeast China .

  16. 华盛顿会议与门户开放&兼论华盛顿会议前后中国对门户开放政策的反应

    The Washington Conference and the open door

  17. 试论美国对华外交中的门户开放政策

    The U.S. Opening Policy to China

  18. 清代是中西饮食文化交流的重要时期,分为闭关自守和门户开放两个阶段。

    Qing Dynasty is an important period for the cultural exchange between Chinese and Western diets .

  19. 鲁特与美国的门户开放政策

    Root and American Open Door Policy

  20. 俄、日积极侵略中国东北,门户开放政策受到挑战。

    Russia and Japan invaded Northeast China positively , and the Open Door policy was under challenge .

  21. 在门户开放的旗帜下,美国的经济势力很快侵入中国市场。

    Under the flag of Open Door , the American economic force quickly permeated into Chinese market .

  22. 那时候,我是美国门罗主义和门户开放的坚决拥护者。

    I was then a strong supporter of America 's Monroe Doctrine and the Open Door Policy .

  23. “门户开放报告”称,去年接近7500名留学生在洛杉矶南加州大学就读。

    The " Open Doors " report says nearly seven thousand five hundred attended U.S.C. last year .

  24. 伍廷芳在处理国家关系上主张经济上要平等对待、互惠互利。他倡导吸引美国来华投资,提倡双方门户开放。

    Wu Ting-fang thought that we should advocate equal treatment and mutual beneficial on dealing with economic relations .

  25. “门户开放”报告称,美国所拥有的国际留学生之中45%是女性。

    The " Open Doors " report says about forty-five percent of international students in the United States are women .

  26. 自1987年实行门户开放政策以来,越南一直在改善投资环境,以吸引更多的外国直接投资。

    Since the1987 " Open-door " policy , Vietnam has been improving its investment environment to attract more and more FDI .

  27. 执行门户开放政策,帮助同事公正地解决所关注的相关问题,积极营造和谐的工作环境和氛围;

    Implement Open-door policy , feedback to associates ′ questions and assist to solve their problems , establish harmonious working atmosphere ;

  28. 这份“门户开放”报告来自位于纽约的美国国家部门资助的国际教育研究院。

    The " Open Doors " report is from the Institute of International Education in New York with support from the State department .

  29. 为了防止这些的发生,美国国务卿约翰海伊提出了后来所谓的“门户开放”政策。

    To prevent that from happening , American Secretary of State John Hay proposed what became known as the " Open Door " policy .

  30. 门户开放政策是美国外交史上的一项重要政策,也是对中国近代史产生重大影响的一项政策。

    The Open Door Policy is an important policy in American diplomatic history , and is also a policy greatly affecting China in its modern history .