
  • 网络Sunshine angel;Sun Angel;cure sunshine;Sung Ange
  1. 欧洲人-当然是就非洲而言-是很近期的来访者,在津巴布韦和赞比亚地区的普遍的看法是,猫鼬是阳光天使。

    Europeans – certainly in terms of Africa – are very recent visitors and a popular belief in the Zimbabwe and Zambian regions is that the meerkat is a sun angel .

  2. “我的阳光小天使啊。”林培先生热情地说道,“我也爱你们。”

    " My little rays of sunshine ," mr limpy said warmly . " I love you too . "

  3. 的确,阳光同样会照耀天使和罪人,而且经常会看到恶人得志的情形。

    True enough , the sun shines on the saint and the sinner alike , and too often it seems that the wicked wax and prosper .