
  • 网络Vaginal Bleeding;vaginal spotting
  1. 但不同停经时间、阴道出血时间与腹腔游离血P、β-hCG、外周血P、β-hCG均无明显关系(P>0.05)。

    But the time of pregnancy and vaginal bleeding were not significantly related to progesterone and β - hCG in hemoperitoneum and serum ( p > 0.05 ) .

  2. 试验组的阴道出血总量评分小于对照组,经统计学检验有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Total amount grade point of vaginal bleeding in experimental group is less than control group , the statistically significant difference test ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 观察3组的胎囊排出时间、流产后阴道出血情况及尿人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)的变化。

    The time of fetal sac discharge , post-abortion bleeding and urinary hCG were compared and analyzed .

  4. 观察分析两组对象孕囊排出时间、流产后阴道出血情况及尿hCG的变化。

    The time of fetal sac discharge , bleeding and the change of urinary HCG after abortion were compared between two groups .

  5. 【目的】探讨减量雌孕激素替代疗法(HRT)的阴道出血模式。

    To determine the vaginal bleeding pattern in postmenopausal women on low dose hormone replacement therapy ( HRT ) .

  6. 青年组中临床表现主要为接触性阴道出血(70%,35/50),较中老年组多,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The clinical features in most young group cases were contact vaginal bleeding ( 70 % , 35 / 50 ) , Statistical significance was found compared with elderly group .

  7. 在完全流产中阴道出血天数构成比,经统计学分析,两组有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    The statistics difference between them was prominent , ( P 0 . 05 ) . Two groups have significant difference in the constituent ratio of vaginal bleeding by analysis ( P 0 .

  8. 结果两组中止妊娠效果无显著差异,而实验组完全流产后阴道出血持续天数缩短(P<0.05),阴道失血量减少(P<0.01)。

    Results The effect of pregnancy interruption had no significant difference between two groups . Bleeding time after complete abortion shortened in experimental group ( p < 0 . 05 ), blood loss through vagina reduced ( p < 0 . 01 ) .

  9. 绝经后子宫肌瘤有阴道出血者合并妇科恶性肿瘤所占比例显著高于绝经后子宫肌瘤无阴道出血者(P0.05)。

    The possibility of Uterine fibroids in postmenopausal vaginal bleeding who have a combined proportion of gynecological malignant tumors is significantly higher than those without uterine leiomyomas in postmenopausal vaginal bleeding ( P0.05 ) .

  10. 结果51.14%的对象在人流术后15d内有阴道出血。

    51 . 14 % of patients had vagina bleeding at 15 days after abortion .

  11. 观察三组的阴道出血量、阴道出血持续时间、动态观察尿中人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-hCG,以下简称HCG)变化。

    Vaginal bleeding volume , vaginal hemorrhagic duration were mainly observed , and in the same time , dynamic monitoring of urinary human chorionc gonadotropin ( HCG ) .

  12. 结果:观察组完全流产后阴道出血7d内干净占42.1%,对照组13.5%(P<0.01),出血量少于100ml者分别为71%,37.8%(P<0.05)。

    Results : After completing abortion , 42 1 % of the pregnant stop vagina bleeding completely in seven days while only 13 5 % ( P < 0.01 ) in the compared group .

  13. 结论药物流产后阴道出血时间长主要是绒毛、滋养细胞残留,一般伴血βHCG下降缓慢或异常。

    Conclusion Long time of vaginal bleeding after drug abortion is mainly due to residual villus and trophocyte and generally accompanys with show drop or abnormal of blood β - HCG .

  14. 胎囊排出时间,流产后阴道出血天数及流产后尿hCG的变化,B与C组比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in the time of discharge of fetal sac , the time of post-abortion bleeding and the change of urinary hCG after ( abortion ) between group B and group C ( P > 0.05 ) .

  15. 观察两组术中及术后24h内阴道出血量及产后出血例数、24h后红色恶露持续时间。

    The amount of bleeding within 24 hours after delivery , the number of patients with postpartum bleeding and the days of lochia rubra excretion were measured in the 2 groups .

  16. 结果绝经后阴道出血妇女血清E2水平远高于正常绝经后妇女血清E2值,两者存在显著性差异(P001)。

    Results The serum level of E 2 level in patients with postmenopausal bleeding was higher than that in normal menopausal women ( P 0 01 );

  17. 方法:应用B超对206例更年期功血患者的子宫内膜厚度进行监测,根据子宫内膜厚度及阴道出血时间分为A、B、C、D4组。

    Methods : 206 cases of climacteric dysfunctional uterine bleeding patients which were undertaken monitoring endometrium thickness by B-ultrasonometry . All cases were divided into 4 teams of A , B , C and D according to the endometrium thickness and vagina bleeding time .

  18. 结果:应用安宫黄体酮后3d内阴道出血停止,撤退出血后B超示宫腔内1cm以下的异常回声消失率达83.33%,与对照组比较差异有显著意义。

    Results : The colporrhagia stopped within 3 days in the group treated with MPA and 83.33 % abnormal echo with less than 1 cm could not be seen by the ultrasonography after the withdrawal bleeding .

  19. 方法74例绝经后阴道出血患者接受3D-TVS检查,测量子宫内膜容积;

    Methods 74 patients with postmenopausal bleeding were studied prospectively .

  20. 应用雌激素替代治疗(ERT)可明显减轻妇女绝经期症状、预防骨质疏松,但长期应用ERT却可能引发子宫内膜癌、乳腺癌和阴道出血等副作用。

    Estrogen Replacement Therapy ( ERT ) can release the menopausal symptoms , and prevent osteoporosis . Although the side effects of ERT of inducing endometrial cancer , breast cancer , colporrhagia etc. are inevitable .

  21. GS每增加1cm,持续出血的可能性为原来的1.596倍,按GS与药物流产后血β-hCG浓度分组比较,不同组之间药物流产后阴道出血时间有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    While the possibility increased by 1 . 596 times if GS increased 1 cm . There is significant difference between GS group and serum p - hCG concentration group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  22. 经逐步回归分析表明:治疗效果与化疗前患者的孕龄的长短、血β-hcG值的高低、是否有胎心及阴道出血量、注射MTX后副反应出现率有关;

    The statistical test results were obtained by an analysis of stepwise regression . The efficacy was related to gestational ages ,β hcG , fetal heart beat before treatment , vaginal bleeding before treatment and the side effects after injection of MTX ;

  23. 材料和方法:对39例有异常阴道出血者行SHG检查,并将检查结果与经阴道超声(Transvaginalsonography,TVS)、诊断性刮宫或宫腔镜所获得的结果进行比较分析。

    Materials and Methods : SHG was performed in 39 women with abnormal vaginal bleeding . The results of SHG were compared with that of transvaginal sonography ( TVS ), and with the pathologic results of uterine explorative curette or hysteroscopy .

  24. 第三产程超过10min者,阴道出血量显著增加(P<001),发生各种并发症的危险性也相应增加。

    The amount of postpartum hemorrhage and the risk of the patient increased prominently if the time of stage of labor was longer than 10 minutes ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. Cox回归分析显示孕囊平均直径(GS)、药物流产后血β-hCG浓度及测定β-hCG的时间与药物流产后阴道出血时间有关。

    Cox regression analysis showed that mean diameter of gestational sac ( GS ) , serum - hCG concentration after drug - induced abor-tion and the interval between blood - sampling and abortion were related to the duration of vaginal bleeding after drug - induced abortion .

  26. 结论:TVS-CD对药物流产后阴道出血时间延长患者寻找原因及临床处理具有重要的指导意义。

    Conclusions : TVS-CD can be the vital significance for finding the causes of prolonged vaginal bleeding after drug abortion and clinical treatment .

  27. 结论:药物流产不全或失败者,5h内行主动清宫术,能够解除药物流产后阴道出血过多、过长的原因,减少药物流产并发症;

    Conclusion : If the pregnant women with incomplete or unsuccessful abortion are operated on with active curettage within 5 hours , the causes of excessive vaginal bleeding for long period can be dissolved , and the complications of drug abortion can be decreased ;

  28. 减量雌孕激素替代治疗绝经后妇女的阴道出血模式

    Vaginal Bleeding Pattern in Postmenopausal Women on Low-dose Hormone Replacement Therapy

  29. 特居乐对药物流产后阴道出血及月经周期的影响

    The impact on vaginal bleeding and menstrual cycle of taking triquilar

  30. 两组同时给予全过程助产士陪伴护理,观察镇痛效果,阴道出血和不良反应。

    Observed the anesthetic effect , vaginal hemorrhage and side reactions .