
  • 网络Alyssa;alysa;Alisa;Alissa
  1. 我女儿和她的朋友们已经成了阿丽莎鬠丽之类明星的铁杆粉丝,因为她们在网上看过这些明星的YouTube视频(显然,GNI组合有约1300万粉丝)。

    My daughter and her friends have become passionate fans of stars like Alisha Marie because they have seen their YouTube videos on the internet ( apparently , the GNI crowd have some 13 million followers ) .

  2. 不管是谁第一次听到阿丽莎唱歌,都会懂得。

    Whoever was the first person to hear Aretha sing , understood .

  3. 我当时就该把那该死的吊坠还给阿丽莎的,当时她就站在她的储物柜旁边。

    Ah , I should 've just given that stupid necklace back to Alicia when she was standing right next to her locker .

  4. 我跟在一个叫阿丽莎的姑娘后面,她要搬家了,我好不容易鼓起勇气想要她的新地址这样我就能给她写信了。

    Okay . I was walking behind this girl Alicia , who 's moving away , and I was working up the courage to get her new address so I can write her .