
  • 网络aberdeenshire;Aberdeen
  1. 苏格兰阿伯丁郡Pitmedden花园首席园艺师SusanBurgess向你展示怎样最好地护理金银花。

    Susan Burgess , Head Gardener at Pitmedden Garden in Aberdeenshire , Scotland shows you how best to care for them .

  2. 之后BBC新闻报道称“已经在阿伯丁郡的亨特利民政局预约6月23日登记结婚”,证实了婚期。

    BBC News would later report that , " A 23 June date has been posted at the Huntly registration office in Aberdeenshire " confirming their wedding was scheduled for this weekend .

  3. 所有的信件上都盖有阿伯丁郡的邮戳。

    All the letters bore an Aberdeen postmark .

  4. 上溯到公元14世纪,图灵家族发源于北苏格兰阿伯丁郡的佛汶然地区。

    The Turings could be traced back to Turins of Foveran , Aberdeenshire , in the fourteenth century .

  5. 女王私人所有的地产包括诺福克桑德林厄姆庄园和阿伯丁郡的巴尔莫勒尔堡还有其他一些小型的房产。

    The Queen also owns personal property including Sandringham House in Norfolk , Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire and other smaller houses .

  6. 位于阿伯丁郡的阿伯杰尔迪城堡,是由亚历山大·戈登爵士、也就是之后的亨特利伯爵建造的。

    Abergeldie Castle , located in Aberdeenshire , Scotland , was built by Sir Alexander Gordon of Midmar who later became the Earl of Huntly .

  7. 她的父亲塞巴斯蒂安?莱斯利穿着传统的苏格兰式短裙,领着女儿走进教堂。塞巴斯蒂安是阿伯丁郡议员,也是古老的莱斯利家族的族长。

    Her father Sebastian Leslie , an Aberdeenshire councilor and the chief of the ancient Leslie Clan , dressed in a traditional Scottish kilt , escorted her .

  8. 人们倾向于认为她所针对的是一个小众市场,但这位年方31岁的苏格兰阿伯丁郡插画家已迅速超越这个范畴。

    Though it is tempting to describe the market for her books as niche , Ms. Basford , a 31-year-old illustrator in Aberdeenshire , Scotland , has quickly outgrown that label .

  9. 据报道,在《权力的游戏》中扮演琼恩.雪诺的哈灵顿和曾扮演他剧中恋人野人耶哥蕊特的莱斯利上周六在苏格兰阿伯丁郡沃希尔城堡附近的教堂举行了婚礼。

    The Game of Thrones actor , who plays Jon Snow , and his former co-star , who played his Wildling lover Ygritte , tied the knot on Saturday in a church service near the Wardhill Castle in Aberdeenshire , Scotland , according to reports .

  10. 来自英国苏格兰东部阿伯丁郡的巴里西姆,曾想乘坐马航从阿姆斯特丹到吉隆坡,但是他只能订到一个座位。所以他和妻子伊兹改变主意,决定与小儿子一起乘坐荷兰皇家航空公司航班。

    Barry Sim , from Aberdeenshire , tried to board the Malaysia Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur but could only get one seat . Instead , he and his wife Izzy booked on to a KLM flight with their baby son , according to reports .